Space for ambitious research Collaborative Research Centres
The Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) are the pillars of the German research landscape. SFBs are university research facilities designed to last up to twelve years, in which scientists collaborate on innovative, interdisciplinary research projects.
Structured qualification Research Training Groups
The best preparation for our early career researchers: A research training group (RTG) ensures the structured qualification of doctoral candidates. Thematically focused and interdisciplinary, our doctoral candidates are intensively prepared for the complex job market in the science system and for non-scientific professional fields.
Outstanding Junior Research Groups
Career booster junior research group: When qualifying for a university professorship, the independent leadership of a junior research group plays an eminently important role for early career researchers.
DFG Research Units
Discovering new things together: In a research unit (RU), outstanding scientists from one university or in cooperation with researchers from other institutions work together in a close working alliance over the medium term.
European Projects
Breakthrough and cross-border research: The European Framework Programs for Research and Innovation offer a wide range of support opportunities with a high international reputation.
Major Individual Grants
Space for outstanding research: UDE has an excellent climate for carrying out outstanding projects.