Videos eigenen Augen unser Haus von außen sehen… Familiensprachen und sprachliche Dynamiken in mehrsprachigen Familien
Keynote auf der Herbsttagung der Deutschen Bildungsdirektion in Brixen/Südtirol, Oktober 2022
Who's there? In/Exclusively addressing the other in disseminating linguistic results
Workshop "Do we practice what we preach?" RUEG-Workshop (11th July, 2022) on the construction of multilinguals as Others in public discourse and academia
Talk and Slides in English (Link to Abstract)
Brigitta Busch: Ceci n‘est pas une autobiographie – Exploring the potential of auto-socio-bio-ethnographical vignettes in linguistic research
AILA-Presentation (August 2021, Slides, Audio and Captions in English)
And the Subject speaks to you. Biographical narratives as memories and stories of the narratable self.
AILA-Presentation (August 2021, Slides, Audio and Captions in English)
Purkarthofer: Family Language Policy in Foster Care
ISB13-Presentation (July 2021, Slides and Audio in English, Captions to follow)