Interdisplinary Center for Analytics at the Nanoscale (ICAN) Transmission Electron Microscopy

We offer crystallographic, chemical and morphological analysis for various materials by means of high-resolution and analytical transmission electron microscopy.

Si spheres (FIB lamella): diffraction and HRTEM

(click on the picture to enlarge)

(left) TEM image of FIB lamella sample containig cross-section of three Si spheres (1,2,3) with corresponding single-crystal diffraction patterns.

(right) TEM image of Si sphere "3" and high resolution image of the area marked with the blue square.

(Sample: courtesy of Martin Meseth, TEM measurements: Anna Elsukova)

Co-Cr-Mo alloy: EDX map

(click on the picture to enlarge)

HAADF-STEM image of the Co-Cr-Mo alloy with corresponding elemental maps of characteristic x-ray Co, Cr and Mo K-lines. EDX maps were acquired from the region marked by an orange square.

(Sample: courtesy of Priska Stemmer ,TEM measurements: Anna Elsukova)

Fe@Au core shell nanoparticle: EDX map

(click on the picture to enlarge)

HAADF-STEM image of the Fe@Au nanoparticle with corresponding elemental maps of characteristic x-ray Fe K-line and Au M-line. EDX maps were acquired from the region marked by an orange square.

(Sample: courtesy of Jurij Jakobi, TEM measurements: Anna Elsukova)

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DFG Förderung

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördert in Sachmittelprojekten die Nutzung eines TEMs mit bis zu 200 € / h pauschal.

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Note: TEM requires very thin samples (typical thickness < 50 nm, maximum thickness 100 nm), so preparation of such samples is required to conduct the measurements.