Philips CM 12
Philips CM 12 microscope is used for precharacterisation of samples and can provide data containing general information about sample's morphology, size distribution, structure (by means of powder diffraction) and average elemental composition.
Acceleration voltage 20-120 kV |
Thermal LaB6 cathode |
Oxford EDX system for quantitative element analysis, max. resolution 0.5 % for element analysis (Isis and Inca software) |
Hamamatsu optical CCD camera with "Item" software |
Nanoprobe scanning option |
Secondary electron detector |
Dark field detector |
Pressure at sample: 10-6 mbar |
Sample holders
Philips single tilt holder |
Philips double tilt holder |
Low background sample holder (required for EDX) |
Gatan cooling holder (Tmin = 80 K) |