KSPS Advanced Seed Program at the Korea Chair of IN-EAST

Prof. Hannes B. Mosler was awarded a five-year grant from the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) for the Advanced Seed program Strengthen Social Science-based Korean Studies Research and Education in Germany. This grant will support the Chair of Korean Politics and Society at IN-EAST to complement related research and teaching. The term of the grant is November 2023 through October 2028, provided by the Korean Studies Promotion Program (KSPS) of the Korean Studies Academy. See also: https://www.facebook.com/ude.koreachair

The Korea-related studies program at the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is fully anchored in the social sciences (political science, sociology, economics) and offers education at all degree levels (BA, MA, PhD). The aim of the supported project is to strengthen the capacities of Korea-related studies at IN-EAST and thus establish it as a beacon of social science-based Korean Studies research and education in Germany.

15.03.2025 - 11:18:09

Call for Papers – SoKEN Conference

The Korean Peninsula in Times of Multiple Crises: Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences  |  Fri–Sat, May 23–24, 2025, ...

10.03.2025 - 15:35:57

Berichterstattung zu faktenverzerrender Phoenix-Doku über Südkoreas Staatskrise

mit Kommentaren von Hannes Mosler

28.02.2025 - 18:38:10

Hannes Mosler mit Kommentar bei voxnachrichten

Urlaub beim Diktator: Deutscher Influencer schildert Eindrücke seiner Nordkorea-Reise – mit Kommentar von Hannes Mosler, voxnachrichten, ...

24.02.2025 - 18:34:23

Newspaper Column by Hannes Mosler

The Korean Peninsula through the eyes of the Bundestag. In: The Hankyoreh’s opinion section, February 23, 2025 (in Korean ...

02.02.2025 - 10:51:17

Hannes Mosler in „Die Furche“ zu Yoon Suk-yeol

Südkoreas Yoon Suk-yeol: Gefolgsmann der Schamanen. Gastkommentar von Hannes Mosler in „Die Furche“, 2. Februar 2025.

24.01.2025 - 09:00:00

Vorstellung alternativer Karrierewege

für Studierende der Koreastudien/Koreanistik in Deutschland  |  Freitag, 24. Januar 2025, 9.30–14.30 Uhr

23.01.2025 - 09:00:00

Hannes Mosler at an Asia in Review Webinar

South Korea at a Crossroads: The Martial Law Crisis, Its Roots, and What Lies Ahead  |  January 23, 2025, 9.00–10.30 Uhr CET  |  Online ...

20.01.2025 - 15:15:27

Newspaper Column by Hannes Mosler

No pardons for the real enemies of liberal democracy in South Korea. In: The Hankyoreh’s opinion section, January 20, 2024 ...

15.01.2025 - 12:00:00

Hannes Mosler mit Statements im zdf und bei vox

Südkoreanischer Präsident Yoon festgenommen. – Statements von Hannes Mosler in TV-Medien

14.01.2025 - 10:36:33

New Article by Hannes Mosler, Axel Klein, and Frédéric Krumbein

The Incurious Approach to East Asian Populism: Why Studies on Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are Often Overlooked in Political ...