It is our pleasure to invite you to the International Staff Week at University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), which will take place from 25.11.2019 until 28.11.2019.
Our third international staff week will offer three thematic tracks:
The main purpose of the track is to create a meeting place for EU research funding and information managers to share knowledge and exchange best practice and experiences, and in doing so strengthening relations between our institutions.
In particular, we would like to:
- Share expertise about our work, about hurdles and impetus in EU grant support, on successful impact strategies and networks from different disciplines as well as EU research support programmes
- Discuss innovative concepts, projects and support tools, e.g. on how to mobilize or reward researchers.
We welcome applications from international colleagues and representatives from grant offices who have experience in EU research funding and information management. We also appreciate receiving your ideas, thoughts and proposals for contribution to the topics and sessions of the staff week.
A detailed provisional programme can be found here.
The track is organised by the EPORR
The European Project Office Rhein-Ruhr (EPORR) at the UDE supports researchers in all areas of international research and innovation projects, particularly focused on EU research and innovation programmes – from strategic project planning to project management.
The staff week will focus on internationalisation for administrative assistants/office managers/secretaries. Throughout the week we will share our experiences in several workshops and learn from each other. The programme will give the opportunity for in-depth discussions within the various fields of administrative work and internationalisation such as a comparison of administrative procedures and career services . Furthermore, we will offer you a job shadowing experience with your counterpart at the UDE.
We welcome applications from administrative assistants/office managers/secretaries working at universities.
The track is organised by the UNS-Network
UNS is a network of secretaries at the University Duisburg-Essen founded in 2010. It was established due to the need of exchanging experience among the secretaries at the UDE. Community that is on hand with help and advice. About 200 members until today up to now
A detailed provisional programme can be found here.
The main aim of the Library Staff Week is to provide participating Library staff with a platform to exchange ideas, knowledge and best practices. It will offer great opportunities for networking, sharing knowledge and best practices within and across professional areas.
The program will include presentations and discussions, exchange of good practice, a world-café, personalized meetings (job shadowing) and library tours.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Digitalization & Digital Services
- Electronic Resource Management
- Information and Data Literacy & Teaching
- Lending & Information Services
- Publication services & Open Access
- Research Support Services & Research Data Management
We welcome applications from librarians who have experience in one of these fields. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the program with a short presentation of their home institution and sharing experiences.
A detailed provisional programme can be found here.
The Track is organised by the University Library Duisburg-Essen
The Duisburg-Essen University Library with its 6 specialized libraries is responsible for literature and information supply for approximately 3.200 university members and more than 40.000 students. The library performs central services in the fields of information, communication and media and provides a wide range of services in the areas research, teaching and academic studies.
The library has turned into a "hybrid" library and offers a range of print media and electronic media.
The library supports an integrated research process, starting with the search for information up to the acquisition and administration of media. This includes, among other things, the active promotion of open access publishing, and the support of the university’s bibliography.
Another major task of the library is to qualify lecturers and students in terms of information literacy.
Topics That Move Us: Strategic goals & policies
- Change Management. Keeping organizational development up to speed with changing framework conditions brought on by digitalization.
- Core Business. Providing/lending literature, offering a suitable working environment, maintaining opening hours, …
- Research Data Management. Extending services to aid researchers in saving and processing their research data.
- Publication Support. Offering consultation and assistance during the publication process (supporting Open Access).
- Digital Competence. Providing students with the tools they need to be successful in their studies.
- Digital Teaching. Aid teachers in the digitalization of their classes by providing didactic and technical support.