Produktentstehungsprozesse und Datenmanagement: Team
M. Sc. Dominik Ehring
- Methodenentwicklung und -implementierung in Produktentstehungsprozessen
- Wissensmanagement: Digitalisierung von Engineering Documents
- Automatische Identifikation und Bereitstellung von anwenderspezifischen Entwicklungswissen unter Verwendung eines generischen Rollenmodells
- Erschließung von Marktpotentialen und Erarbeitung von Anwendungsfällen zu granularen Normenbestandteilen, insbes. Formeln (in Kooperation mit dem Beuth-Verlag)
- Innovative Turbomaschinen für nachhaltige Energiesysteme - Digitaler Zwilling für Gasdichtungen (InnoTurbinE)
- Technische Darstellung
- CAD Schnupperpraktikum
- Computer Aided Design - Praktikum
- Rechnergestützter Bauteilentwurf
- Produktentwurf
- Produktentwicklung
- Rechnerintegrierte Produktentwicklung
Requirements Mining From Engineering Standards : Development and Evaluation of a Standards Requirements Mining FrameworkIn: Proceedings of the 44th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE): Volume 2B / 44th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE); August 25–28, 2024; Washington, USA / The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Hrsg.) Jg. 2B 2024 V02BT02A029Online Volltext:
Automatic identification of role-specific information in product development : a critical review on large language modelsIn: Proceedings of the Design Society Jg. 4 (2024) S. 2009 - 2018Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Automatic knowledge graph creation from engineering standards using the example of formulasIn: Proceedings of the Design Society Jg. 4 (2024) S. 423 - 432Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A first step towards automatic identification and provision of user-specific knowledge : A verification of the feasibility of automatic text classification using the example of standards
The 33rd CIRP Design Conference ; 17.-19.06.2023, Sydney, Australia,In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 119 (2023) S. 1103 - 1108Online Volltext: (Open Access) -
Requirements extraction from engineering standards : systematic evaluation of extraction techniques
The 33rd CIRP Design Conference ; 17.-19.06.2023, Sydney, Australia,In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 119 (2023) S. 794 - 799Online Volltext: (Open Access) -
SMART Standards : Modularization Approach for Engineering StandardsIn: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference: Volume 2: 42nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) / ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis, Missouri / Design Engineering Division, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Hrsg.) 2022 V002T02A065Online Volltext:
SMART standards : Concept for the automated transfer of standard contents into a machine-actionable form
31st CIRP Design Conference 2021, 19.-21.05.2021, Virtual,In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 100 (2021) S. 163 - 168Online Volltext: (Open Access) -
Representation and application of digital standards using knowledge graphsIn: Proceedings of the Design Society Jg. 1 (2021) S. 2551 - 2560Online Volltext: (Open Access)
SMART Standards : Automatisierungsansatz – Methodik zur Wissensrepräsentation durch GraphdatenbankenIn: KT-Kolloquium KT 2020: 18. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik ; 01. und 02. Oktober 2020 in Duisburg ; Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung / Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik ; KT 2020 ; 01. und 02. Oktober 2020, Duisburg / Corves, Burkhard; Gericke, Kilian; Grote, Karl-Heinrich; Lohrengel, Armin; Löwer, Manuel; Nagarajah, Arun; Rieg, Frank; Scharr, Gerhard; Stelzer, Ralph (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 283 - 294(Open Access)
Concept Development of a Consistently Traceable Process and System Solution for Ensuring the Requirements of Engineering and Functional SafetyIn: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange / DSMIE-2020, June 9-12, 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine / Ivanov, Vitalii; Trojanowska, Justyna; Pavlenko, Ivan; Zajac, Jozef; Peraković, Dragan (Hrsg.) Jg. Volume 1: Manufacturing and Materials Engineering 2020, S. 233 - 242Online Volltext: