M.Eng. Malte Riesner, B.Eng. Sebastian Sigmund, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bettar Ould el Moctar PerSee - Performance of ships in seaways; development of numerical methods to determine the power requirement of ships in seaways: Sub-project NumSee
The joint project “PerSee“ deals with the safety of ships in heavy seas and their optimization under operating conditions. For this purpose, numerical and experimental methods are developed to determine the added resistance and required engine power of ships. After integrating the developed numerical methods into an optimization software, different types of ships will be optimized. Besides the optimization of the design of the ship, rational ways are to be found, via different scenarios, to operate ships more efficiently. Regarding safety issues, the ship’s behaviour in heavy seas is investigated. It has to be clarified which minimum power is required for safe manoeuvring in a storm. On the basis of this, the maximum speed achievable can be determined as well. This is an important parameter for the design of ship structures and, as a consequence, the weight optimization of ships.
The project is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).