Downloads - Institute of Pharmacology


Cardiac Action Potential Analysis (CAPA)

CAPA provides an efficient and objective, reliable, and reproducible and automated procedure of AP data analysis.

Thieleczek 2016, Acta physiol. (2016), 216 Suppl. 707, p. 111

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Computational model of the human atrial myocyte

The computational model for the publication Voigt N*, Heijman J*, Wang Q, Chiang DY, Li N, Karck M, Wehrens XHT, Nattel S, Dobrev D (2014) Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Atrial Arrhythmogenesis in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation, 129(2): 145-156 is available through the link below.

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Isolation of human atrial myocytes video

This video belongs to the publication Voigt NZhou XBDobrev D (2013) Isolation of human atrial myocytes for simultaneous measurements of Ca2+ transients and membrane currents. J Vis Exp, e50235, (DOI: 10.3791/50235) and illustrates the isolation of human atrial myocytes. The movie can be downloaded here.

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