- Implicit Solvation, Grand-Canonical Cluster Models and Structural Diversity in Energy Materials
Theory Seminar, Tecnical University Munich, Germany, 17.05.2021 (online)
- Accuracy, Pragmatism, and Interpretability in Quantum-Chemical Calculations
GRK 2376 "Confinement-Controlled Chemistry" Seminar, Technical University Dortmund, Germany, 05.05.2021 (online)
Ausgewählte Vorträge von Christopher Stein vor der Anstellung an der UDE
- Implicit electrolyte solvation models for quantum-chemical simulation
RESOLV Cluster of Excellence Autumn Workshop, Bochum University, Germany. (online)
- A novel route toward ab initio battery modelling
Selection seminar for the NRW return fellowship, Düsseldorf, Germany. (online)
Orbital entanglement analysis of exchange-coupled transition metal complexes
ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. -
Automated multi-configurational calculations and their analysis
ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. -
Understanding exchange coupling in transition metal complexes with orbital entanglement
Quantum Bioinorganic Conference QBIC-V, Marseille, France. -
Modern quantum-chemical concepts and methods for complex systems
Theory seminar – John Herbert group, Ohio State University, OH. -
Modern quantum-chemical methods for complex chemistry
Group seminar – Alán Aspuru-Guzik Matter Lab, University of Toronto, Canada.
Automated multi-configurational calculations
ICQC satellite meeting on strong correlation, Strassbourg, France.
Automated multi-configurational calculations
Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Basel, Switzerland. -
Automated selection of active orbital spaces
Theory seminar – Heather Kulik Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA. -
Vibrational density matrix renormalization group
International workshop on molecular quantum dynamics and kinetics, Zurich, Switzerland. -
Automated selection of active orbital spaces
Molcas Developer Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
Quantitative reaction energies from an automated multi-configurational approach
SCS Fall Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland.