AG Wucher - Research

Research Interests

The main research interest of this group is applied surface science, with emphasis on problems with relevance to material science. The fields of work in particular are:

Our group conducts fundamental research regarding the interaction between high-energy particles and solid surfaces, particularly ion-induced particle emission, but also sputtering-induced changes to the stoichiometry and structure of surfaces. Among others, we use laser-based methods for the state-sensitive detection of unleashed particles. A decisive factor regarding fundamental research is also the availability of electron-based and mass spectrometric techniques that can determine the chemical and structural properties of surfaces and thin-films. Thus, research and development in the field of modern surface and thin-film analysis is one of the central points of our group. Particularly the laser-based secondary neutral particle mass spectrometry (SNMS), which is used as a method for the analysis of the chemical composition of solid surfaces and thin-films on a microscopic scale is applied.

Tof Fig1

Fig. 1. Schematic buildup of a laser-based secondary neutral particle microprobe. Neutral atoms and molecules sputtered by ion impact are post-ionized by an intense pulsed laser so that they can be detected by the mass spectrometer.

Characteristic for the study of particle-surface interaction and for surface and thin film analysis is the need for an extremely high vaccum ("ultrahigh vacuum" UHV) with pressures down to 10-10 mbar. In Fig. 2, an ultrahigh vacuum chamber is pictured, in which a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and a high-focused liquid metal ion gun are combined into a device that can detect sputtered neutral particles.


Fig. 2. Ultrahigh vacuum chamber for the study of particle-surface interactions.

The research conducted by this group is mainly part of projects supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).




Prof. Dr. Andreas Wucher

Faculty of Physics, MG 250
University of Duisburg-Essen
Lotharstr. 1
47057 Duisburg, Germany

Tel:  +49 (0)203 379 2228



Anja Müller
MG 252

Tel:  +49 (0)203 379 2292
Fax: +49 (0)203 379 2289
