Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding
Mes publications scientifiques se concentrent surtout des non-électeurs aux élections dans les multilevel-governance-structures, les élections européennes, micro-gestion des institutions européennes, la mise en œuvre du droit communautaire dans les États membres, les normes et les valeurs dans les États membres, les formes classiques et alternatives de prise de décision de l'UE des actes délégués et la comitologie) et l'européanisation des systèmes politiques des Etats-membres.
La présentation de mes publications scientifiques, la liste actualisée de mes publications non-scientifiques sont disponibles ici.
H2020 Grant
„SEnECA“ (project lead) - Strengthening and energizing EU-Central Asia relations
The relations to Central Asia are an important element of the changing transatlantic and geopolitical setting the EU is currently facing. The main objectives of SEnECA are to strengthen and energize EU-Central Asia relations by establishing a sustainable, transdisciplinary SEnECA Research Network and the SEnECA Stakeholder Network to link European and Central Asian researchers, policy makers and stakeholders in order to improve research cooperation to develop a common SEnECA Research Agenda and EU’s Central Asia policy by setting up the SEnECA Policy Roadmap. Within two years, twelve consortium members from think tanks, universities and NGOs in Europe and Central Asia build on their Trans-European and Central Asian network with research institutions in 41 European, Central Asian and other Asian countries.
Les dernières documents de travail
Shadow Rapporteurs: Holding Rapporteurs to Account? (by Lukas Obholzer, Steffen Hurka and Michael Kaeding), Working Paper presented at EPSA 5th Annual Conference, Vienna, June 2015
Representatives of whom? Party group coordinators in the European Parliament (by Lukas Obholzer and Michael Kaeding), Working Paper presented at the EUSA Fourteenth Biennial Conference, Boston, USA, March 2015.
Making a(ny) difference? Analyzing the (non-)respect of European core norms across the EU (by Michael Kaeding and Oliver Schwarz), Working Paper presented at the 10th ECSA-C biennial conference, Montréal, May 2014.
Les dernières contributions à la recherche
The Future of Europe. Views from the Capitals, Kaeding, M., Pollak, J. and Paul Schmidt (Ed.) (2018). Palgrave Mcmillian: Hampshire.
With a Foreword by the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, this book sheds light on the political dynamics within the EU member states and contributes to the discussions about Europe. Authors from all member states as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey assess how their country could get more involved in the European debate, taking the reader on a journey through various political landscapes and different views. The chapters cover issues ranging from a perceived lack of ambition at the periphery to a careful balancing act between diverse standpoints at the geographical centre. Yet, discussions share common features such as the anxiety regarding national sovereignty, the migration and border discourse, security concerns as well as the obvious need to regain trust and create policies that work. The book contributes vigorously to the debate about Europe in all capitals and every corner of the continent, because this is where its future will be decided.
The EU Pharmacovigilance System and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in Practice: A Critical Assessment, Kaeding, M.; Klika, C.; Schmälter, J., in: European Journal of Risk Regulation 8 (4).
This new articel by Christoph Klika, Michael Kaeding and Julia Schmälter deals with The EU Pharmacovigilance System and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in Practice. Medicinal products are granted market authorisation only after extensive assessment of their quality, safety and effiancy. Nevertheless, all medicines might produce adverse drug reactions, which are only detected after authorised products are being rolled-out to the market. In the past, Eu regulation used to rely primarily on pre-marketing assessment and authorisation for establishing risks and benefits before the marketing of medicinal products. This has changed since the 1990s and today, drug development and manufacturing, clinical trials, market authorisation and pharmacovigilance are regulated in the EU. You can find the full articel here.
Sitting between European Politics and National Constraints: The Political Economy of the European Central Bank, Sebastian Heidebrecht und Michael Kaeding, in: Capital and Credit Markets 2018 (1).
Beyond core functions of central banking, the European Central Bank (ECB) plays a pivotal role in the new European economic and financial governance framework. In the aftermath of the financial crisis the social and institutional embeddedness of the Central Bank, as well as the legal architecture have changed significantly, the Central Bank’s relations with European and international institutions, EU member states and its public have been redefined. Against this backdrop, this special issue aims at analyzing these recent developments by bringing together insights from different disciplines, such as political science, economics, law, and sociology. Senior and junior scholars and practitioners out of the field apply qualitative as well as quantitative research designs focusing on the political economy of the ECB sitting between European politics and national constraints. The researched questions will be: Why has the ECB become a political leader by default in the new European governance structure?, What are the legal contradictions of institutional changes and unconventional monetary policy of the ECB, and the role of the public on European central banking?, What lessons should be learned from the new inter-institutional setting for a safe drive on the road ahead of a more stable European governance structure?
This article by Michael Kaeding examines the European Parliament’s and Council of Minister’s use of postLisbon legislative vetoes to override the European Commission’s rulemaking. Using an original data set of legislative vetoes of Commission acts by both European legislators from December 2009 - April 2017, the contribution shows that levels of the formal exercise of the legislative veto to overrule the Commission’s regulatory policies are very low. Particularly interesting, the level of exercise of legislative veto provisions has not increased significantly since the Lisbon Treaty came into effect, suggesting that the ways in which the Treaty formally augmented the powers of legislative scrutiny have not resulted in appreciably greater formal exercise of these powers ultima ratio. Moreover, no significant differences appear between the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament.
Pharmacovigilance in the European Union Michael Kaeding, Julia Schmälter und Christoph Kilka Wiesbaden: Springer
The book presents the results of an in-depth comparative study assessing the implementation of the EU Pharmacovigilance Directive in six EU Member States. By going beyond legal transposition and instead focusing on practical implementation, this study aims to close a gap in EU compliance research. Based on qualitative interviews with relevant actors in Germany, Poland, Portugal, France, Finland and the UK, the authors identify perceived challenges and best-practices, issue recommendations, and thereby contribute to a better understanding of the factors that incentivize or impede the practical implementation of EU drug safety at the national level.
Nichtwähler in Europa, Deutschland und Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kaeding Michael, Stefan Haußner und Morten Pieper Wiesbaden: Springer
Depuis des années les taux de participation électoraux restent bas, et cela pour tous les types de scrutin. De nombreuses recherches ont été menées afin d’analyser les raison poussant les citoyens à aller voter ou á rester chez eux. Ce livre examine l’état des recherches actuelles concernant la baisse du taux de participation électoral en Europe, en Allemagne et en Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie. Les auteurs analysent l’impact des critères socio-économiques sur le taux de participation aux différents types d’élection. Ils offrent des nouvelles données pour une séléction de villes du Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, démontrent que le taux d’abstention est fortement biaisé par des caractéristiques socio-économiques. Les élections de l´ordre secondaire ont tendance à entraîner un taux plus bas de participation mais ne montrent aucun signe de déséquilibre lié aux caractéristiques économiques et sociales de la population. A titre d’exemple, malgré que les Elections européennes soient considérées plutôt élitistes, le faible taux de participation n’est pas plus influencé par des facteurs socio-éleonomiques que pour d’autres élections de l´ordre secondaire.
Learning on the job? EU enlargement and the assignment of (shadow) rapporteurships in the European Parliament, Steffen Hurka, Michael Kaeding and Lukas Obholzer. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, doi: 10.1111/jcms.12270
This article investigates the determinants of assignments to European Parliament negotiating teams comprising both rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs. We re-examine the argument that underrepresentation of MEPs from new member states on these key posts after enlargement might have been due to a ‘learning phase’. We find that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from newer Member states remain considerably less likely to act as rapporteurs during the second term after enlargement (2009-2014). Most importantly, this trend also holds for shadow rapporteurs under the co-decision procedure, that is when they matter most. This structural underrepresentation has potentially important implications for European integration: MEPs from newer Member States are arguably less able to influence legislation. We suggest three readings of the results by asking whether MEPs from these countries are less willing, lacking skills, or disadvantaged. Future research on rapporteurship allocation and legislative careers should seek to answer these questions.
Legislative Scrutiny? The Political Economy and Practice of Legislative Vetoes in the European Union, Kaeding Michael, Kevin Stack. In: Journal of Common Market Studies,
doi: 10.1111/jcms.12252
Since 2006, the European Commission has been granted the power to amend legislative acts and not simply implement them. In return, the European Parliament and Council of Ministers have a means to veto Commission actions under the so-called “regulatory procedure with scrutiny” and post-Lisbon “delegated acts”. Based on principles of political economy, we hypothesize that these formal means of oversight will be invoked very infrequently by Parliament and the Council. Using an original data set of legislative vetoes of administrative acts by both legislators from June 2006- April 2014, we show that levels of the formal exercise of the legislative veto to overrule the Commission’s regulatory policies are indeed very low without significant differences between the two European legislators.
Die Europawahl 2014 - Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien und Nichtwähler, Kaeding, Michael und Niko Switek (Hrsg.) Wiesbaden: Springer.
Alles neu?! Welche Neuerungen brachte die Europawahl 2014? Wie prägten die Spitzenkandidaten Wahl und Wahlkampf? Was bedeuten die Stimmengewinne im Lager der Protestparteien und die gleichzeitig hohe Zahl an Nichtwählern?
Die Beiträge in diesem Band fokussieren diese Fragen und weitere zentrale Aspekte der Europawahl 2014 durch einen praxisorientierten Ansatz. Im besonderen betrachten die Autoren die Bedeutung der Wahl in einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten, die Auswirkungen von Finanz- und Eurokrise oder die Rolle und Relevanz europäischer Parteien. Nach vorne schauend werden die Konsequenzen der Wahl für das Regieren auf europäischer Ebene analysiert. Außerdem umfasst der Band seltene außereuropäische Perspektiven auf den Wahl(aus)gang. Zugleich werden diese Ergebnisse durch die Beiträge zweier Präsidenten des Europäischen Parlaments (Martin Schulz und Klaus Hänsch) in einen gesamteuropapolitischen Kontext gesetzt.
Den Link zum Ebook des Sammelbandes finden Sie hier.
A more balanced composition of the European Parliament with degressive proportionality, Blanca L Delgado-Márquez, Michael Kaeding and Antonio Palomares. In: European Union Politics 2013 14:458.
Degressive proportionality constitutes the main conceptual criterion to determine the composition of the European Parliament (EP). In reality, however, this concept entails serious practical problems as exemplified by the current distribution of seats in the EP. This article takes up the call and presents a new method for a better balanced seat allocation in the EP after the 2014 elections. Comparing with recent methods in the field, our results reveal that the method proposed yields a more balanced and juster parliamentary seat distribution among all European member states by joining the strengths of the existing methods and avoiding their weaknesses. In light of upcoming rounds of enlargement and possible amendments to the EP's internal rules of procedure and existing EU Treaties, we contend that our results are not only of interest to the academic world.
Krise und Alternativen im europäischen Integrationsprozess, Michael Kaeding. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 2013, Heft 3, S. 427-436.
Es herrscht Krisenstimmung in der Europäischen Union. Doch welche Krise ist es, von der die Zweifel an der Europäischen Integration ausgehen? Der Artikel schließt sich der Beobachtung an, dass nicht eine Krise allein als Ursache gelten kann. Allein in der europäischen Wirtschaftskrise lassen sich schon sehr unterschiedliche Probleme identifizieren. Hinzu kommen weitere Krisen in der EU: eine Vertrauenskrise, Wertekrise, Compliancekrise sowie eine zusätzlich verstärkende institutionelle Krise in der EU. Über diese Krisen legt sich der Mantel des Legitimationsdefizits, durch den die Krisenstimmung noch zusätzlich steigt.
Die Analyse der europäischen Krisen mündet in dem Appell, in der Diskussion über Lösungsvorschläge das schwarz-weiße Bild des entweder „mehr Europa“ oder „Staatenbund mit schwächerer EU“ zu überwinden und damit der europäischen Demokratie gerecht zu werden.
The Quest for Legitimacy in EU Secondary Legislation, Wim J.M. Voermans, Josephine M. R. Hartmann and Michael Kaeding. In: The Theory and Practice of Legislation 2(1): 5-32.
In fact more than 75% of EU legislation is currently enacted by the European Commission (EC). This lack of democratic pedigree of so-called ‘EU secondary legislation’ allegedly causes various legitimacy-related problems at the EU level. With the introduction of a new system on delegated and implementing acts by the Treaty of Lisbon, the EU however aims to address the apparent democratic deficit. This contribution takes up this call and against this backdrop answers the question whether the Lisbon ‘arrangements’ have, indeed, changed ‘things for the better’. It presents a legitimacy review of the post-Lisbon regime on delegated and implementing acts of the last four years. Our findings suggest that the high expectations for improving the legitimacy of EU secondary legislation have not (yet) materialized. Furthermore, facts and figures give cause for doubt as to the feasibility of achieving this objective in the near future.
Autre contributions à la recherche
Die Europawahl 2014 in NRW, Michael Kaeding und Morten Pieper, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung NRW, 2014
Europawahl 2014 in Deutschland im europäischen Kontext, Michael Kaeding, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2014
EU Agencies as a Solution to Pan-European Implementation Problems, Kaeding, M. and E.Versluis. In: M. Everson, C. Monda & E. Vos (eds), European Agencies in Between Institutions and Member States, pp. 73-86.
The European Parliament and the Future of Comitology after Lisbon, Michael Kaeding and Alan Hadacre In: European Law Journal 2013 19 (3):382-403.
La présentation de mes publications scientifiques sont disponibles ici.
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Les données pour l'article:
Hurka, S. und M. Kaeding (2012) Report allocation in the European Parliament after eastern enlargement, Journal of European Public Policy 19(4): 512-529