Study on the preparation of a corporate carbon footprint for Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH
Detailed project description
Project Duration: 2021
Project partner:
- Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH
The aim of this study is to balance all greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of one ton of steel at Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM). To this end, the method for preparing a product-related life cycle assessment in accordance with ISO 14067 is used. The Umberto LCA+ life cycle assessment software is used to virtually map all energy and material flows in order to balance the greenhouse gases. When determining all product-related emissions, a distinction is made between direct and indirect emissions. Direct emissions are the greenhouse gases emitted within the system boundary (on the HKM plant premises). Indirect emissions are all greenhouse gases that occur along the entire value chain. Indirect emissions include emissions from the mining and transport of coking coal. When accounting for direct emissions, the facilities of the integrated steel mill (coke plant, sinter plant, blast furnace and steel mill) were modeled in a separate balance area. This is necessary because complex exchange processes take place between the plants mentioned. For example, the coke oven and blast furnace gases are used to provide electrical and thermal energy for efficient energy management. Mapping the exchange processes in the virtual model enables a clear allocation of production emissions to the various plants.
Following the successful certification of the base year, a detailed evaluation of various emission reduction scenarios was carried out. In particular, necessary assumptions and uncertainties of the scenarios were presented transparently and the emission reduction potentials were determined quantitatively.