Electronic lab books

Simplify lab workflows with digital tools

Laboratory notebooks are part and parcel of STEM research: measuring results, sketches of experimental setups or analyses are entered there. But what if this data is digital? Do you print it out and glue it into a notebook? Hardly. Electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN) can help.

Why use an ELN?

  • Keep a laboratory notebook using a PC, mobile phone or tablet
  • Perform full-text searches of the entire content
  • Collaborate
  • Keep data security, control access
  • Ensure integrity of the data and documentation of entries through timestamps
  • Import or link any number of files
  • Connect other systems (API)
  • Export to PDF (and other formats)

Workshop eLabFTW Hands-on

You would like to participate in one of our workshops on eLabFTW?

Every two months we offer a Hands-on workshop on eLabFTW. In the 120-minute online format, you will learn the basic use of the ELB eLabFTW. Previous knowledge is not required. Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

Dates and registration


We have compiled frequently asked questions about the use of eLabFTW in a FAQ-eLabFTW.

The list is based on the experiences of scientists, does not claim to be complete and is regularly maintained and supplemented by us.

Click here for FAQ-eLabFTW

You want to stay up to date?

Additionally, the ELN mailing list provides you with information about electronic lab notebooks (especially the software eLabFTW used at UDE) and allows you to exchange information with other users.

Subscribe here!


Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
