Based on the strategy for the China cooperation of the Medical Faculty at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Sino-German Virtual Institute for Viral Immunology (SGVIVI) has been established in Essen, in September 2017. Founding members are the German and Chinese principal investigators of the Sino-German Collaborative Research Center TRR60 (2nd funding period) who signed the SGVIVI collaboration agreement individually. For more information on the former TRR60:
The purpose of the SGVIVI is to continue our successful Sino-German cooperation with an innovative structure and within a legal framework in order to perform collaborative research together and initiate new joint scientific projects. The coordination of the SGVIVI is carried out by Prof. Dr. Ulf Dittmer, Director of the Institute for Virology at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Cooperating scientists in Germany and China who work on infectious diseases and immunity or who perform research on immune responses against viruses have joined the network.
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