Tannaz Vahidi

Tannaz Vahidi

Master thesis student

Email:  tannaz.vahidi@stud.uni-due.de

Thesis topic:  Implementation and Evaluation of Explanations with Varying Level of Details in a Recommender System

Related project: RIMA

Supervisor(s):  M. Sc. Mouadh GuesmiM. Sc. Shoeb JoarderM. Sc. Qurat Ul Ain

Thesis duration:  01 / 2022 - 07 / 2022



Recommender systems are introduced to make it easier for end-users to find their desired items on different platforms among the wide range of possibilities. Explanations are introduced to make recommender system platforms more transparent and persuasive. However, providing explanations with varying levels of detail is still a challenging task. Therefore, questions like how many levels should be provided and the amount of information to be provided in each level should be investigated.

This thesis aims to implement explanations with different levels of detail as part of the RIMA project, which allows this platform to explain its behavior through several visualizations and evaluate their impact on the different explanation aims.