Veröffentlichungen / Publications

  • Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.: Model complexity optimization of equivalent dynamical linearization data models used in model-free adaptive control based on bias/variance trade-off. GAMM Fachausschuss "Dynamik und Regelungstheorie", Berlin, Germany, Februrary 5-6, 2024.
  • Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.: On the PID-structured model-free adaptive control: a comparison of different approaches. 22nd European Control Conference (ECC24), Stockholm, Sweden, 25-28 June, 2024, accepted.
  • Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.: Model complexity optimization of equivalent dynamical linearization data models used in model-free adaptive control based on bias/variance trade-off. The GAMM Annual Meeting 2024, Magdeburg, Germany, 18-22 March, 2024.
  • Salighe, S.; Trivedi, N.; Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D. : Decoupled model-free adaptive control with prediction features experimentally applied to a three-tank system as a nonlinear MIMO system following time-varying trajectories. MDPI Automation, 2024.
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  • Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.: Model complexity optimization of equivalent dynamical linearization data models used in model-free adaptive control. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2024.
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  • Salighe, S.; Trivedi, N.; Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Decoupled model-free adaptive control of a nonlinear MIMO system: An experimental comparison of approaches applied to a three-tank system. ASME IDETC , Boston, USA, August 20-23rd, 2023, accepted.