Supramolecular chemistry has become a broad field of diverse topics and highly fascinating research in the last years. After the initial focus on small, artificial receptor systems e.g. for inorganic ions and the study of their binding properties, the field has now evolved into such diverse areas as biomolecular and physical organic chemistry, self-assembly, material sciences, nanotechnology and even medicine. In the centre of all these research areas are interacting molecules, the very essence of supramolecular chemistry and the now unifying concept linking these traditionally seperated fields.
Surprisingly a plattform for supramolecular chemistry in Germany is still missing. We would therefore like to invite everyone interested in the field to participate in our Symposium on Supramolecular Chemistry which will take place in Essen from February 24-25th, 2011.
The Symposium will cover all aspects of the field and applications for either oral presentations (even though limited in number and therefore subject to selection by the organizing comitee) and/or poster presentations are highly welcome. We specifically also encourage young scientits to participate.
We are glad to announce, that the german chemical society (GDCh) will provide a limited number of travel grants (150 Euro) for participating graduate students (preferably members of the GDCh). Should you be interested in one of these grants we kindly ask you to indicate this along with your registration.
Further information will follow in the next weeks. So be sure to check the homepage for new information from time to time. Registration and abstract submission will start by the end of october.
Looking forward to seeing you in Essen
Carsten Schmuck, Bart Jan Ravoo