Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Inform. Denis Hatebur
Room: BB 918
Tel.: +49 203 379 3582
Fax: +49 379 4490
E-Mail: denis.hatebur[at]uni-duisburg-essen.de


Proposed Bachelor, Diploma and Master thesis

Information concerning final theses...

Already finished Bachelor, Diploma and Master thesis

Year Author Title Type
2019 Mostafa Mousa Development of a Security Architecture in a Virtualized Environment Master
2019 Milad Akhavanfar Problems addressed by ISO 27001 Controls and Statement-of-Applicability Patterns Master
2018 Christoph Kerscher Development of a Structure for Consideration of the Environment in Hazard Analyses for Automotive Systems Master
2018 Celil Uzunel Methodisches Ableiten und Validieren einer Microservices-Architektur Master
2016 Paul Parenko Mapping from ISO 26262 (Functional Safety Standard) to ADIT Master
2014 Hendrik Niechciol Vergleich und Bewertung leichtgewichtiger Client-/Server-Kommunikationsprotokolle im JEE-Umfeld Bachelor
2014 Celil Uzunel Portalserver als Entwicklungsframework
2013 Julija Wolf Strukturiertes Requirements-Engineering für Virtual Reality Ein- und Ausgabegeräte unter Berücksichtigung von Qualitätsanforderungen Diplom
2012 Sascha Voetee Generation of Architectures based on Problem Descriptions by Interactive Model Transformation Diplom
2010 Nazila Gol Mohammadi Real-Time testing using UML Environment Models Master
2010 Shamshad Naveed Automatic validation of UML specifications based on UML environment models Master
2008 Fengjie Sun Test case generation based on UML environment models Master
2008 Muhammad Iman Santoso Tauglichkeit der Notationen SysML im Feld Maschinenbau und Logistik
2007 Rajitha Dandu DePES/Fusion-based Development of a Mobile Data Logger for Nokia Multimedia Phones Master
2006 Elisha Gama Using the B-Method for Embedded Systems Development Bachelor