Stephan Faßbender, Mitarbeiter SWE

Dipl.-Wirt. Inform. Stephan Faßbender
Room BB 918
Tel. : +49 203 379 1075
Fax : +49 379 4490
E-Mail : stephan.fassbender[at]

Proposed Bachelor, Diploma and Master thesis
Please contact me, if you are interested in a thesis in the field of security requirements engineering, security, compliance, optimization and service oriented architectures. Both is possible, to have a more theoretical thesis or a more practical thesis in terms of programming using Java, Eclipse, Graphiti, Epsilon, GMF, EMF and so forth.

Winter semester 2013/2014, Software Technik
Summer semester 2013 - Muster- und Komponentenbasierte Softwareentwicklung
Winter semester 2012/2013, Software Technik
Summer semester 2012 - Muster- und Komponentenbasierte Softwareentwicklung
Summer semester 2012 - Seminar - Challenges (Composition, Compliance, Security,...) in the Field of Service Oriented Computing
Winter semester 2011/2012 - Software Technik

Supervised Theses
2013, Diploma thesis, Pattern based identification of relevant law cases for requirements

2013, Master Thesis, Ensuring secured end-to-end communication in SOA using the ADIT development process
2013, Bachelor Thesis, How modelling alternatives are perceived