Rene Meis
Dipl.-Inform. Rene Meis
Room BB 918
Tel. : +49 203 379 4503
Fax : +49 203 379 4490
E-Mail : rene.meis[at]
- Problem-Oriented Requirements Engineering (Problem Frames)
- Privacy Analysis (ProPAn)
- Requirements Interactions
- Aspect Orientation
- Formal Methods
- Software Specification (Z, OCL, Alloy)
- Model Checking (UPPAAL, Spin)
- Theorem Proving (Isabelle/HOL)
Proposed Bachelor, Diploma and Master thesis
Titel | Art der Arbeit |
Identification of Privacy Threats in a Requirements Model [more] | bachelor/master |
DESCRIPTION:Problem:Privacy is a software quality that gains more and more attention in the development of software nowadays. One of the hardest tasks is to select appropriate mechanisms to address privacy requirements in an appropriate way and to prove that the selected mechanisms really contribute to the achievement of the privacy requirements. A practical way to deal with this problem is the identification and documentation of concrete privacy threats that negatively affect the privacy requirements and possibly occur in the system under consideration. Based on these concrete threats, methods to mitigate these can be selected. It is obvious that an as complete identification of relevant privacy threats as possible is crucial to ensure that all privacy requirements will properly be addressed. Prerequisites: Softwaretechnik lecture. Goals & Procedure:
Tool Support for the Problem-based Requirements Interaction Analysis [more] | bachelor/master |
DESCRIPTION:Problem:The Problem-based Requirements Interaction Analysis (PRIA) aims at the identification of requirements that potentially negatively interact with each other. The steps of the PRIA method are already formally specified and this specification will serve as foundation for the implementation of the tool-support. An open issue is, how the needed inputs that have to be provided manually by the person who applies the method can effectively be elicited. Prerequisites: - Softwaretechnik lecture- optionally master project "Computer-aided generation and validation of software models" Goals & Procedure:
Support for the AORE4PF Method [more] | bachelor/master |
DESCRIPTION:Problem:The aspect-oriented requirements engineering for problem frames method (AORE4PF) integrates the concept of aspect-orientation into the problem frame approach. Several tasks of the method involve manual modeling effort that also could be automatically performed or at least to some extend computer-aided. Especially, the weaving of sequence, problem and aspect diagrams shall be supported. Prerequisites: - Softwaretechnik lecture- optionally master project "Computer-aided generation and validation of software models" Goals & Procedure:
Integration of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) into Problem Frames [more] | bachelor/master |
DESCRIPTION:Problem:Several different technologies exist that shall enhance the privacy of a software system, called privacy enhancing technologies (PETs). In order to provide a reasoning that a PET really improves the privacy of a software, we have to consider these right from the beginning in the software development process. Prerequisites: Softwaretechnik lecture Goals & Procedure:
- Winter Semester 2015/16
- Softwaretechnik - Summer Semester 2015
- Project Computer-aided Generation and Validation of Software Models - Pattern- and Component-Based Software Development - Winter Semester 2014/15
- Formal Specification of Software Systems
- Softwaretechnik - Summer Semester 2014
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Pattern- and Component-Based Software Development - Winter Semester 2013/14
- Formal Specification of Software Systems
- Softwaretechnik
- Seminar eSociety - Summer Semester 2013
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Winter Semester 2012/13
- Formal Specification of Software Systems
- Seminar Online Privacy in Social Networks, Clouds and Smart Grids - Summer Semester 2012
- Data Structures and Algorithms