Staff and equipment

Picture of rotor blades

At the UDE Chair of Turbomachinery, Prof. Dr. Dieter Brillert and his team teach and do research in the field of turbomachines.

The team Prof. Dr. Dieter Brillert consists of roughly twenty employees. For further information about the staff as well as the research profiles of the scientific staff please take a look at our team page.

The Chair of Turbomachinery has a well equiped laboratory with different test rigs. For an overview of the equipment, please visit this page. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stellenausschreibungen / Open positions

  • Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:innen (m/w/d) oder Masterstudierende (m/w/d) mit Interesse an einer Promotion

     zur Initiativbewerbung


  • wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (w/m/d) im Fachgebiet Strömungsmaschinen

     zur Ausschreibung

The 6th European Conference on Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Power Systems will be held on April 08-11, 2025, in Delft, Netherlands.

Logo sCO2

​sCO2 europe

sCO2 Conference Proceedings