Central Service

Central Service Projects

Project Z2:
Administrative project of the TRR 60
TRR60 的管理协调

Prof. Dr. Ulf Dittmer, Institute for Virology, Essen
Prof. Dr. Dongliang Yang, Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, HUST, Wuhan

In this central service project the TRR60 management deals with all administrative and public relation issues of the TRR60.

Project Z3: 
Quantitative and functional analyses of proteome alterations during chronic viral infections

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Sitek, Medical Proteom-Centre, Ruhr-University Bochum
Dr. Ruth Bröring, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Essen

This project has been integrated into the TRR60 as a central analytical proteomics platform and cell preparation service, available for all Chinese and German PIs. The offered services include the preparation of human liver and blood cell populations. Furthermore, proteomic analysis and identification of proteins isolated from whole cell lysates or particular sub-cellular fractions. Quantitative studies using gel- or mass-spectrometry-based techniques as well as functional pathway and network analyses using bioinformatic methods will be performed. Apart from these analytical services, the project focuses on the development of novel approaches for the quantitative analysis of cell-surface sub-proteomes, using primary isolated liver and blood cells. This particular part of the proteome plays the most important role in the interaction of cells with their exterior environment and is therefore of special interest in immunological research.

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