Invited talks 2011
2011 |
- Gerd Bacher
"Einsichten in die Nanowelt"
zdi-Partnertreffen, Duisburg, 23.3.2011
- Gerd Bacher
"Optical spectroscopy on nanostructured spin-hybrids"
WELCOME Scientific Meeting on Hybrid Nanostructures, Torun, 28.- 31.8.2011
- Gerd Bacher
"Nano-Optoelectronics : Nanoscale analysis and new device concepts"
Seminar talk, OSRAM, Augsburg, 6.9.2011
- Gerd Bacher
"Control of spin transport and spin dynamics by external fields"
Concluding conference of SFB491, Bochum 26.-29.9.2011
- Gerd Bacher
"Nanomaterials für optoelectronic applications"
Workshop Nanoelectronics: Physics and Devices, Bochum, 14.10.2011
- Gerd Bacher
"Nanomaterials and nanowires for optoelectronic applications"
Chinese-German Workshop on Semiconductor nanodevices and their applications in optoelectronics and bio-/chemical sensors, Suzhou, China, 15.-20.10.2011