Current Projects AG Bacher

GRK 2803: Scalable 2D-Materials Architectures (2D-MATURE): Synthesis and Processing, Characterization and Functionality, Implementation and Demonstration

Partners: University of Waterloo, Canada; University Duisburg-Essen

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher

GraFunKl - Graphene as a functional layer in UVC LEDs

Partners: AIXTRON SE, Herzogenrath; Protemics GmbH, Aachen; ams-OSRAM International GmbH, Regensburg

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Mertin, M.Sc. Tim Smola, M.Sc. Jannik Korte

Magnetic van der Waals Heterostructures

Partners: Prof. Doron Naveh, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel; Prof. Efrat Lifshitz, Technion, Haifa, Israel; Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine, TU Dresden

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher, M.Sc. Maurizio Riesner

CRC/Transregio 247: Heterogeneous oxidation catalysis in the liquid phases - Mechanisms and materials in thermal, electro- and photocatalysis

Partners: Ruhr-University Bochum,  MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, MPI for Coal Research, Fritz Haber Institute

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher, M.Sc. Laura Kampermann, .Sc. Aleyna Yasar

UA Ruhr-Professur Spectroscopy of novel materials and their hybrids, 2D+x

Partners: Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer, TU Dortmund; Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieck,  RUB

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Muckel, M.Sc. Leon Spee

SPP 2370: The heterogeneous photo-catalytic oxidation of dinitrogen to nitrogen oxides in the gas phase: mechanism and kinetics

Partners: Dr. Jonathan Bloh, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt; Prof. Dr. Jennifer Strunk, Leibnitz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher

Entropy engineering and interface optimization in materials for highly effective thermoelectric energy conversion (MAITEG)

Partners: jun.-Prof. Dr. Johannes de Boor, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, and Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Duisburg, Germany; Prof. Dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Tomasz Wojciechowski, AGH-UST, Krakow, Poland

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Mertin, M.Sc. Sarah Emily Beck

Investigation of anisotropic spin phenomena in doped nanocrystals by luminescence spectroscopy on single particles in a vector magnetic field

Partners: Prof. Dr. Daniel Gamelin, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher, M.Sc. Jan Bieniek

Development and analysis of MOCVD growth processes for binary and ternary 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC)

Partners: Prof. Dr. Andrei Vescan, RWTH Aachen University

Contact: Dr. Tilmar Kümmell, M.Sc. Henrik Myja

Exchange interactions in wavefunction engineered, transition metal doped 2D hetero-nanoplatelets

Partners: Prof. Hilmi Volkan Demir, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Bilkent University, Turkey

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher, M.Sc. Maurizio Riesner

Investigation and control of the exciton fine structure in individual inorganic perovskite nanoplatelets

Partners: Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko, ETH Zürich

Contact: Prof. Dr. Gerd Bacher, M.Sc. Florian von Toperczer