Dr. Raphaela Bruckdorfer

Team Economic Psychology
Department of Humen-centered Computing and Cognitive Science (HCCS)
Faculty of Engineering
University of Duisburg-Essen
Lotharstr. 65 (LE)
47057 Duisburg
Room LE 251
 +49 203 379 27489

Research interests

  • Sensory marketing
  • Packaging design and its effects on consumers
  • Kindchenschema-cuteness
  • Marketing and consumption of food products
  • Lay theories on food products for children
  • Behavioral Economics, Nudging
  • Artificial intelligence and consumer behavior

Curriculum Vitae

Work and Studies

University of Duisburg-Essen, postdoctoral researcher

2018-03 – 2024-04

University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), research assistant and PhD candidate

2017-08 – 2017-12

University of Bremen (Germany), research assistant

2015-10 – 2017-06

Karl-Franzens University of Graz (Austria), Master of Science in Psychology

2011-03 – 2015-04

University of Vienna (Austria), Bachelor of Science in Psychology

2010-03 – 2015-04

University of Vienna (Austria), Bachelor of Arts in International Development

Additional Training and Internships


Sigmund Freud Univeristy of Vienna (Austria) & European Biofeedback Akademie, Training in Bio- and Neurofeedback

2016-08 – 2016/10

Netpadrino Augsburg (Germany), online internship on Online-marketing and search engine optimization


Radkersburg Clinic for Rehabilitation (Austria), Internship in Clinical and Neuropsychological Psychology

2013-10 – 2014-01

Paulo Freire Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Entwicklungsforschung und dialogische Bildung Vienna (Austria), scientific-journalistic internship



Journal articles (peer reviewed)

Bruckdorfer, R. E., Büttner, O. B., Mau, G. (2025). "Flavor, fun, and vitamins?" Consumers' lay beliefs about child-oriented food products. Appetite, 205, Article 10773. Journal
Bruckdorfer, R. E. & Büttner, O. B. (2022). When creepy crawlies are cute as bugs: Investigating the effects of (cute) packaging design in the context of edible insects. Food Quality and Preference, 100, 104597.Journal
Benedek*,M., Bruckdorfer*, R.E., & Jauk, E. (in press). Motives for creativity: Exploring the what and why of everyday creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(3), 610-625. Journal
*equal contribution

Kiel, N., Bruckdorfer, R.E., Petermann, F., & Reinelt, T. (2018). Temperament in der frühen Kindheit und die Entwicklung externalisierender Störungen: Implikationen für die klinische Diagnostik. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 66(3), 177-186.Journal

Book chapters

Bruckdorfer, R. E., Büttner, O. B, & Mau, G. (2021). Laientheorien zu Kinderlebensmitteln: Wie Konsument:innen Kinderlebensmittel wahrnehmen und beurteilen [Lay theories on food products for childen: How consumers perceive and evaluate food products for children]. In C. Bala und W. Schuldzinski (Eds.), Jahrbuch Konsum & Verbraucherwissenschaften. Verbraucherzentrale. Book chapter



Bruckdorfer, R. E. C., & Bütter, O. B. (2023, August 20-24). Kindchenschema as a cue for sweetness: The effects of Kindchenschema food packaging on consumers’ sweetness expectation, sweetness experience, and attitude toward food products [Conference presentation]. 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Nantes, France.

Bruckdorfer, R. E. C., & Büttner, O. B. (2023, July 6-8). The effects of Kindchenschema food packaging on expected and sensorily perceived sweetness and attitude towards food products. [Conference presentation]. European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (EACR), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Bruckdorfer, R. E. C., & Büttner, O. B. (2023, May 30-June 2). Cute package, sweet taste: Effects of Kindchenschema food packaging on consumers’ sensory expectations, experience, and attitude [Conference presentation]. 48th International Research Conference in Marketing, La Londe Conference, Porquerolles Island, France


Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2022, September 13-16). „Will you buy it, i fit is cute?“ Development and application of an instrument to measure individual differences in consumers‘ sensitivity to and preference for cute products and designs [Poster presentation]. 10th European Conference on Sensory Science and Consumer Research, Turku, Finland.

Bruckdorfer, R. E.,  Büttner, O. B. & Mau, G. (2022, September 13-17). Lecker, lustig, (un-)gesund? Erfassung laientheoretischer Vorstellungen zu Kinderlebensmitteln und deren Zusammenhang mit Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Kaufentscheidungen [Delicious, funny, (un-healthy)? Measurement of lay people’s assumptions about food products for children and their relationships to personality attributes and purchase decisions]. [Conference presentation]. 52nd DGPs congress/15th ÖGP conference, Hildesheim, Germany.


Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2021, August 9-12). Cute look, soft touch – but quality: not much? How Kindchenschema-cute

images on products and packaging affect consumers‘ sensory and quality-related expectations [Poster presentation]. 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, online.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2021, August 9-12). Cute packaging design as potential tool for reducing disgust towards food products containing edible insects [Poster presentation]. 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, online.


Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2020, March 5-7). Cute package, sweet taste: The effects of cute food packaging on expected and experienced sweetness [Poster presentation]. Society for Consumer Psychology 2020 Annual Conference, Huntington Beach, CA, United Stated.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2020, December 13-16). Cuteness as indicator of sweetness? The effects of cute images on food packaging on sensory expectations and experience [Conference presentation]. Early Career Researcher Seminar of EUROSENSE 2020, 9th European Conference on Sensory Science and Consumer Research, online.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2020, December 13-16). Cuteness as indicator of sweetness? The effects of cute images on food packaging on sensory expectations and experience [Poster presentation]. EUROSENSE 2020, 9th European Conference on Sensory Science and Consumer Research, online.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., Büttner, O. B., & Mau, G. (2020, October 1-4). 'Sweet tasty evil’ or healthy bliss’? Lay theories on food products for children [Poster presentation]. The Association for Consumer Research Conference, online.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., Büttner, O. B., & Mau, G. (2020, December 13-16). ‘Sweet tasty evil’ or ‘healthy bliss’? Lay people’s perception of child food products [Conference presentation]. EUROSENSE 2020, 9th European Conference on Sensory Science and Consumer Research, online.


Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2019, May 27-28). Cute on the outside, sweet on the inside: The effects of cute packaging on expected sweetness and sugar content of food products [Conference presentation]. 48th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2019, July 28-August 1). Cute on the outside, sweet on the inside: How cute images on food packaging influence consumers’ sweetness expectations and experience [Poster presentation]. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Bruckdorfer, R. E., & Büttner, O. B. (2019, October 17-20). Cute on the outside, sweet on the inside: The effects of cute food packaging on assumptions about and experience of sweetness [Poster presentation]. The Association for Consumer Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.