Graduate Center Plus

At a Glance: Our Offers and Services for

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Junior Faculty

(Habilitation candidates, research group leaders, junior professors)

Das GC Plus Team
© Fabian Strauch

Graduate Center Plus

We are your main contact at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) for all interdisciplinary questions concerning doctoral research, the postdoc phase, and the path to professorship. As an early career researcher at the UDE, we support you according to your needs with transparent information and individual counselling.

Our broad range of seminars, training sessions, and events prepares you for a career inside and outside the university while encouraging personal and professional growth. Our offers also support you in building an interdisciplinary network and enable you to exchange experiences with peers and experts.

Team & Contact

04.06.2024 - 11:45:07

mentoring³: Apply by 30 June for the next programme line for female doctoral researchers!

Female doctoral researchers from all subject groups at the University Alliance Ruhr can now apply for the next programme line ...

04.06.2024 - 11:39:43

Thu, 27 June | 09:00–17:00 h | online via Zoom | German

(Home) Training Days: "Die eigene Forschung für ein fachfremdes Publikum verständlich machen" on 27 June - register now!

In this workshop, participants will develop key messages, storylines and initial format ideas for communicating their research ...

29.04.2024 - 16:29:48

Wed, 22 May & Thu, 23 May | each 09:00–16:30 h | Campus Essen, Casino | English

Transdisciplinarity and Science in Society. Training Program for Meaningful Science-Society Conversations on 22 & 23 May - register now!

Contemporary scientific and research practice no longer takes place exclusively in isolated disciplinary contexts, but in ...

29.04.2024 - 15:38:57

Tue, 21 May | 09:00–17:00 h | online via Zoom | English

(Home) Training Days: "Time management" on 21 May - register now!

We all plan and organize our day somehow. So the question is not whether you want to do time and self-management, but how ...

25.04.2024 - 10:27:41

Fri, 24 May & Fri, 31 May | each 09:00–13:00 h | online via Zoom | English

(Home) Training Days: "Effective Project Management" on 24 & 31 May - register now!

“So many tasks! I don’t know where to start!”, is a common challenge when it comes to preparing for exams, writing homework ...

25.04.2024 - 10:08:33

Tue, 7 May | 16:30–17:30 hours | online via Zoom

Exchange on pursuing a doctorate with a disability/chronic illness on 7 May 2024 - register now !

The Inclusion Officer of the UDE and the GC Plus once again invite you to a digital exchange on the topic of doing a doctorate ...

Stay up to date!

Subscribe to our newsletter or connect with us on X and Linkedin for event tips and announcements.

Counselling for refugee early career researchers

We offer individual counselling for early career researchers who have fled their home country. If you have any questions about opportunities to continue your PhD or postdoc at the UDE, please do not hesitate to contact us. The Graduate Center Plus shares the UDE's position on the war in Ukraine. Special information for refugee researchers from Ukraine can be found here and on the Welcome Service homepage.

Get in touch!

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Research Academy Ruhr

We are proud to be part of the Research Academy Ruhr! Research Academy Ruhr is the cross-university platform for supporting early career researchers within the University Alliance Ruhr. It offers you access to interdisciplinary workshops and career-related information and networking events at the universities of Duisburg-Essen, Bochum, and Dortmund. Prepare for your next career steps within or beyond academia and expand your interdisciplinary network!

Visit Research Academy Ruhr’s homepage