University-ID (Unikennung) – Your Key to our Online Services

Why do you need a University-ID?
For authentication purposes, you need a valid ID to use the ZIM’s services.
Upon enrollment, all students received a personalized ID and password from the student’s office. (Note: The ID has to be validated via the Selfcare-Portal beforehand). This ID will accompany you over the course of all your studies.
New employees get an ID automatically. Employees that do not have an ID yet, can request one from our user account management via this form [PDF].
You need a University-ID for the following services:
E-Mail Address/Notifications
There is a personalized e-mail address connected to every University-ID. The university sends important information to this address. To read your e-mails (e.g. via the webmail interface) you need to log in with your ID and password.
You can send files that are too big for mail attachments easily via Gigamove.
Study Planning and Management
DuE Campus (Study Information-, Consultation- and Planning-System)
Via DuE Campus you can create your schedule, review the course catalogue or register for courses. For this you need your ID for authentication.
Exam Registration and Grade Overview
Most study programs require you to register online for exams. You can also review your current grades and credits. For this you need to log in with your ID and password.
Internet Access
WiFi (via eduroam)
You can access the internet via WiFi which currently undergoes expansion measures for better availability. To authenticate you need your ID. Students and employees can also use the WiFi of other universities with their ID and password.
Some services of the university can, for legal reasons, only be used inside of the university’s network. For you to use these services externally, you need to create a VPN access, for which you have to authenticate yourself with your ID. Among these services is for example external access to licensed services of the library, external access to the university’s AV-database or the external use of software like SPSS.
Public Work Spaces
Public PC Pools
In our public PC pools and in the libraries you can use PCs with all kinds of software and internet access for free. To use this service you need your ID.
You have access to the e-learning platform Moodle, which is used by many teachers to support them with their courses. There you can for example provide documents, do group work or give out practice quizzes to check the student’s progress.
You have access to the BSCW servers to collectively work on documents in groups via the internet.
Hard- and Software
Software download
The ZIM provides cheap and partly free software within campus- and state license contracts with software companies. To download said software, you need to authenticate yourself with your ID and password.
Antivirus Software SOPHOS
As a member of the university, you may use the antivirus software SOPHOS free of charge on your private devices. Should you want to use this software outside of the domain, you need to authenticate yourself with your ID and password.
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
The Microsoft Imagine program offers students and employees of participating faculties the opportunity to use a selection of Microsoft products free of charge for research and teaching.
Office 365
Students of UDE can use the Office package via 365 ProPlus on up to 10 private devices without additional costs, no matter if it is a PC, Mac, tablet (including iPad) or smartphone. Members of educational facilities can use the office package for their work on private devices without additional cost.
Microsoft Campus
Microsoft Campus allows employees to use Windows operating systems (only as upgrade) and Office-Enterprise products on their work space PCs.
Training Programs
E-Leaning Courses for Microsoft Products
Use the free e-learning courses for Microsoft products to get used to their products and prepare for certification exams.
IT Learning Materials
Download digital scripts about IT topics of the publisher Herdt for free.
Digital Storage Space
Home Directory on the File Server
You can put data on the central file server and access them from anywhere around the world or edit it in collaboration with multiple other users. For this service, you need to authenticate yourself with your ID and password.
Your Own Homepage
With every ID the university provides you with webspace for your own homepage.
To synchronize data on different devices (“Sync”) and for collaborative work on documents (“Share”) in a secure cloud.
Further Services
Central Login Servers
On the central login servers, you can use a variety of applications on the operating system UNIX. For this you need to authenticate yourself with the university-ID.
Ressources for Scientific Calculations
The university provides computer systems for scientific calculations. To use these systems, you need your ID and password.
Content Management System Imperia
To create and maintain your websites with the university’s layout, you need to authenticate yourself with your university-ID via Shibboleth.