

One main goal of the WGS is to support every (post)doctoral researcher equal, independently of their gender, cultural background, religion etc. in every situation they face during their (post)doctoral research.

In order to achieve this, several workshops and lectures are offered. If needed all members of the WGS can reach out to the coordinator of the WGS for support. The coordinator will always educate herself further in terms of diversity aspects through workshops, lectures etc.

During all WGS events, care is taken to consider all core dimensions and to design the events accordingly. This includes e.g. that attention is paid to sufficient break, different dietary needs, holidays etc. We are always open for suggestions, ideas and criticism and are happy if we can reduce barriers together and the WGS offers an open and inclusive environment.

For detailed information and/or support in German or English please see the following links or contact:


Additional, contact persons and detailed information can be found below and on the corresponding websites.

Contact persons at the faculties of the UDE
Website: www.uni-due.de/gleichstellung/fachbereiche

Faculty of Chemistry

Prof. Bettina Siebers (bettina.siebers@uni-due.de)
PD Ursula Telgheder (ursula.telgheder@uni-due.de)

Faculty of Biology


Faculty of Engineering

Website : www.uni-due.de/iw/en/diversity.php

Faculty of Medicine

Website: www.uni-due.de/med/gleichstellung/

LGBTQIA+ at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Website: www.uni-due.de/ekfg/indexenglish.shtml

Central point of contact for support for scientists who are exposed to hostility and attacks in the context of their science communication

Website: scicomm-support.de/

Campus guide for all with wheelchair, stroller & Co.


International Office

Website: www.uni-due.de/international/

General contact persons and information at the UDE

Website: www.uni-due.de/diversity/
Website: www.uni-due.de/genderportal/service_agg_ansprechpersonen.shtml 
Website: www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/diversity_audit/ude_dm_broschuere_2015_e_we b_final_01.06.2015.pdf