freie Stellen in der AG Schmid

Open Positions

Research assistant for the project (w/m/d, Nr. 376-24) salary group 13 TV-L

In the field of resource-efficient energy conversion, we are seeking a physicist (M.Sc.) to work on Chalcopyrite solar cells including nanostructures to explore optoelectronic properties.

Start of employment: 2024-11-10

Duration of employment: 36 months

Working time: 28 h 41 min (72%)

Chalcopyrite solar cells hold promise as stable and high-efficiency thin-film devices. Nanostructures can support improving their device efficiency and tailoring them for specific applications. The optoelectronic investigation will constitute the core of the work. Experimental fabrication and characterization of the nanostructures and devices play an equally important role as do mostly numerical simulations for understanding the working principles and optimizing the devices. Along with the research experience to gain, contribution to teaching (~3 SWS) will provide further qualifications.

More information can be found here.