About Us (AKS)

Vorstellung des Masterstudiums:

Die Vertiefung Automatisierungstechnik (AT)

Der Studiengang Automation and Control Engineering (ACE)

Termin: am 20.06. (Do.) um 15:00 Uhr, und alternativ am 01.07. (Mo.) um 15:00 Uhr

Ort: BB 416 und online ZOOM-Link

Head of department Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steven X. Ding

Department Automatic control and complex systems

The department AKS is dedicated to establish a future-oriented university education in automation and control engineering and to strive for a leading international role in research in the field of fault-tolerant systems.

Within the framework of the bachelor and master programs EIT, ISE as well as ACE, the department AKS offers a series of automation and control relevant lectures, exercises and labs and organizes workshops and colloquia. AKS assigns and supervises project, bachelor and master theses within its research projects and often in cooperation with industry. The main research areas of the AKS department include:

  • Model- and observer-based fault diagnosis techniques, fault-tolerant systems and their application in the automotive industry and on mechatronic systems
  • Data-based methods for process monitoring with application in process industries
  • Fault-tolerant embedded and interconnected systems.

Video presentation of the department

In the winter semester 2020, no students were allowed to come to the university due to the Corona pandemic and the orientation week had to take place digitally. The video created for this purpose gives you an insight into our work and topics.

The video has raised your interest and you have further questions or would like to know what we are currently working on? Visit us during your own orientation week as part of the department tours, contact us by mail, or sign up for our experiment in the EIT freshman workshop.