Bachelor- and Master-theses
You are interested in supramolecular functional materials and liquid crystals? - Then contact Michael Giese for more details on prospective Bachelor- and Master-projects or stop by in his office (room S07 S04 C25)
The Junior Research Group is affiliated with the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen and was started in June 2014. Our research field is the synthesis and analysis of supramolecular functional aggregates, especially those with liquid crystalline properties. A major goal is to utilize and control the molecular self-assembly of discotic aggregates and understand the underlying principles in detail in order to develop novel supramolecular liquid crystals for potential applications in optical and electronic devices such as organic solar cells or light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).
Prof. Dr. Michael R. A. Giese
Institute of Organic Chemistry
University of Duisburg-Essen
Universitätsstraße 7
45141 Essen, Germany
Room: S07 S00 C21
Phone: +49 201 183-2087
Today Michael was promoted to professor of organic chemistry in the framework of the Heisenberg-program. Thank you for all the support that have made it possible . Looking forward to continue working at the UDE.
Jens Voskuhl and Michael Giese published a review article on “Mesogens with aggregation-induced emission properties” in Aggregates. Congratulations!
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Giese, Darius Zalzadeh will be responsible for the area of product innovations and 3-D printing in the newly emerging Co-Creation Lab as part of the project GUIDEPLUS.
Welcome to our team!
On May 6th 201 the groups of Prof. Voskuhl and Prof. Giese hosted the virtual Mini-symposium on "photo-active Materials". With more than 50 participants, we had an inspiring scientific exchange and looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the future.
We would like to thank all participants making the meeting a success.
On the 29th March we had our first bilateral meeting with our DAAD cooperation partners from the working group of Nemanja Trišović in serbia. We hope on a good and fruitful work together and many successful projects.
Wir bieten die Möglichkeit in unserem Abreitskreis Bachlor- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Forschungspraktika im Bereich supramolekularer Materialien zu absolvieren. Nähere Informationen findet ihr hier oder auf unserer Research-Seite.
Bei Interesse meldet euch bei mir oder meinen Mitarbeitern.
Jan and Meik now published their second paper toghether on the Topic of "Naturally occurring polyphenols as building blocks for supramolecular liquid crystals – substitution pattern dominates mesomorphism".
Matthias successfully defended his PHD thesis and is now the second Dr. emerged from our working group. Congratulations Dr. Spengler and all the best for your future!
The Giese group joined the GLCC meeting 2021 online. We would like to thank the organizers and all participants for a nice conference. In addition, Meik received a prize for his presentation, congratulations for that.
Subrata is leaving our group this week. We look back at a fruitful collaboration and a nice time together. We wish you all the best for your future!
You are interested in supramolecular functional materials and liquid crystals? - Then contact Michael Giese for more details on prospective Bachelor- and Master-projects or stop by in his office (room S07 S04 C25)
We are looking for motivated students who are interested in supramolecular materials. Students interested in joining the group for their bachelor or master theses or for a research project (Vertiefungspraktikum) are encouraged to apply.
Applications of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are welcome and we are happy to help highly qualified prospective coworkers with their scholarship applications. For details please contact Michael Giese.
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