
Group Glcc 2023

Group Leader

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael R. A. Giese

Michael studied chemistry at the RWTH Aachen University. After receiving his doctoral degree he moved to Vancouver and worked with Prof. MacLachlan at the University of British Columbia. Since 2014 he leads his independent research group on Supramolecular Functional Materials at the University Duisburg-Essen.

Room: S07 S00 C21
Phone: +49 201 183 2087
Curriculum Vitae

GUIDEPLUS Co-Creation Lab

Office Guide Plus Andrea Nusselt

Room: S07 S04 C43
Phone: +49 201 183 3096

Lab Engineer Adrian Haag

Adrian studied mechanical engineering at the University of Wuppertal from 2015-2021. He worked in the field of research and development and was part of the technical department of the GreenLion Racing Team at his university. During his studies he specialized in fluid dynamics and materials science. Due to his affinity for 3D printing, he made use of the metal additive manufacturing technology FDMet as part of his master's thesis.

Room: SA-002
Phone: +49 201 183 2950

M. Sc. Marvin Kollwitz

Marvin has always been interested in science and the materials created by chemistry. From an early age on, he wanted to know why stars sparkle, and that's how his passion for chemistry was born. For this reason, he began his studies at the Westfälische Hochschule where he also completed his master's degree in polymer science. Through the research on new stereolithography resins during his master's thesis, his enthusiasm for additive manufacturing grew. An article about his work has already been published in a local newspaper. In the GUIDE Plus project he is responsible for supporting founders and developing new materials for 3D printing.

Room: SA-002
Phone: +49 201 183 6253

Research Group

PhD Student, M. Sc. Alexander Kappelt

Alexander has always been curios about how mechanisms work, a trait he kept ever since. After the discovery of the manipulation of substances by mixing them, he found his love for chemistry to the discontent of his Mother. Many ruined shirts and other mishaps later he decided after school to first become a lab technician and then studied chemistry at the Westfälische Hochschule from 2007-2013. He finished his bachelor thesis at ACTEGA Terra on the topic “Dual-cure coatings for the paper industry”. Alexander achieved his Master degree at the department of organic chemistry at the University Duisburg-Essen under the supervision of Jun. Prof. Dr. Michael Giese. Following this, he stayed in the group of Michael as PhD student and continued his work on supramolecular orthogonal binding motifs for functional materials.

Room: S05 V01 E32
Phone: +49 201 183 4915

PhD Student, M. Sc. Felix Kraus

Felix, originally from a small town near Haßfurt in Franconia, set off to study chemistry in at the University of Würzburg. He prepared his Bachelor thesis on the synthesis and characterisation of dithienopyrroles as acceptor materials for organic electronics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner. For his Master thesis he continued his work on dye chemistry concerning hydroxy substituted perylene bisimides in the same group. In October 2019 he joined the Giese group and is currently investigating the stabilisation of blue-phase liquid crystalls.

Room: S07 S04 C17
Phone: +49 201 183 6253

PhD Student, M. Sc. Thorben Neumann

Thorben was interested in chemistry since he learned about the subject and was curious how materials of all kinds are made from a molecular point of view. Following that interest he started to study Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In 2014 he started his Bachelor degree and completed it in 2018 with a Bachelor thesis on supramolecular materials based on dynamic covalent chemistry and zwitterionic interactions in the working group of Prof. Dr. Carsten Schmuck. To finish his Master`s degree he joined the Giese Group and is currently working on his Master`s thesis with the goal to develop new functional luminescent liquidcrystalline materials which can be manipulated by dynamic covalent chemistry for tailor-made properties.

Room: S05 T00 A30
Phone: +49 201 183 6950

PhD Student, M. Sc. Tobias Thiele

Tobias grew up in Duisburg and decided to study chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen since he has always been interested in science and materials. Therefore, he later joined the Giese Group to gain knowledge in supramolecular functional materials. After working on twist-bend nematogens und blue phase liquid crystals, he currently investigates phototunable chiral-nematic assemblies, which can be used for holographic data storage devices and optical filters.

Room: S07 S04 C17
Phone: +49 201 183 6253

PhD Student, M.Sc. Jana Tietze

From a young age Jana wanted to know how things work and why. So she began to ask questions which sometimes was quite annoying. Her interest for science, especially for chemistry, grew in grammar school and after her diploma she studied chemistry in Essen. For her bachelor thesis she prepared and studied membranes with integrated hydrogels in the working Group of Professor Ulbricht in the Department of Technical Chemistry of the university of Duisburg-Essen. In her master studies she concentrated on organic and supramolecular chemistry and finished her master thesis on the influence of the photoisomerization of azobenzene-derivatives on imine-formations for potential use in liquid crystals in the Giese-group. Now she continues to study the manipulation of (potential) liquid crystal materials based on dynamic covalent chemistry in our working group.

Room: S05 T00 A30
Phone: +49 201 183 7508

PHD Student, M.Sc. Søren Herkströter

Room: S05 T00 A70
Phone: +49 201 183 6977

Visiting Scientist, M.Sc. Roshanak Mohammadi

Roshanak is a Ph.D. student from Isfahan University of Technology in Iran, and she got her master degree in topic of theoretical study on the ferroelectric liquid crystals. She has always been concerned about one of the global problems related to water pollution. That's why she decided to define her P.H.D. thesis on wastewater treatment by the photocatalytic activity of the 3D structure of TiO2 nanocomposite. She joined Prof. Dr. Michael Giese research group as a visiting research to synthesis 3D printed structure for the photocatalytic applications.

Room: S07 S04 C17
Phone: +49 201 183 6253

trainee Amy Musiol

Amy has always been fascinated by the sciences. In school, she gravitated towards biology, choosing it as her major subject in secondary school. In 9th grade, she gained her first hands-on experience during an exciting internship in a biology lab, where she was introduced to the fascinating world of genetic engineering. This passion for experimental work and research ultimately led Amy to pursue a career as technician in a chemical laboratory, where she expanded her enthusiasm for science.

Room: S07 S04 C17
Phone: +49 201 183 6253


Dr. Jan Balzuweit

Dr. Michael Pfletscher

Dr. Matthias Spengler

Dr. Marcel Klein-Hitpaß

Dr. Meik Blanke

Dr. Dennis Aschmann

Marco Saccone, PHD

Subrata Nath, PHD

Florian Malotke, M. Sc.

Aleksandr Gelenberg, M.Sc.

Ellen Dauzenberg, M.Sc.

Leona Postulka, M.Sc.

Sören Herkströter, M.Sc.

Dragan Lukić, M.Sc.

Lisa-Sofie Wagner, B.Sc.

Tobias Thiele, B.Sc.

Isabelle Ciara, B.Sc.

Jarmok Abozolof, B.Sc.

Sasha Ernst, B.Sc.

Kevin Rudolph, B.Sc.

Sven Kather, B.Sc.

Hoang-Viet Nguyen, B.Sc.

Martin Fenten, B.Sc.

Leigh Peck, B.Sc. student (Hull)

Nicholas Van Zee, B.Sc. student (Florida)

Angus Hawkey, B.Sc. student (London)

Jo-Ann Wollenberg

Sophie Stim, trainee

Tim Zutz, trainee

Lina Lantermann, trainee

Sebastian Gehrke, trainee

Sarah Arnts, trainee

Leonard Kaufmann, trainee

Tobias Grünenbaum, trainee

Christian Müller, trainee

Tobias Hartung, trainee

Alexander Servas, trainee

Jacqueline Bruckmann, trainee

Christian Müller, trainee