Welcome to the American Studies Program at the University of Duisburg-Essen!

Discover North American Studies at UDE

North American Studies at UDE is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of North America, its manifold and often conflicting cultural geographies, literary and cultural production, and multi-ethnic urban and rural societies.
Major fields of research include early modern and colonial, regionalist, and contemporary literature and history, urban spaces as well as popular culture and media. We are particularly interested in the interconnections between U.S. American and Canadian as well as Mexican and Caribbean literatures and cultures as well as in the imaginary and actual crossings of multiple borders in North America from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century.
Our award-winning teaching reflects our research interests and uses a variety of innovative teaching formats – but don’t take it from us, take it from our students!

©Florian Freitag


Discover our research projects and our publications.

©Florian Freitag


Discover our seminars, excursions, concept for BA/MA Theses, and our research-driven educational events.

©Florian Freitag

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American Literary and Media Studies Prof. Dr. Florian Freitag

Office Manager
Francine Poschmann
Office R12 S04 H14
Phone +49 201 183-3411
E-mail francine.poschmann[at]uni-due.de

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