Welcome to the Department of Anglophone Studies

Studying English
Whether students choose the BA-programme "Anglophone Studies" and one of the subsequent MA-programmes "American Studies", "British and Postcolonial Studies" or "English Linguistics", or whether they opt for our excellent teacher training courses of study - all our programmes are designed to advance the students' knowledge about the linguistic, literary, cultural, social and/or political tendencies and developments in the Anglophone world.

Our department
With an international staff whose young and dynamic members come from a variety of different cultural and academic backgrounds, it is the Institute's mission to shape and further both the analytical and the social competences of our students in order to prepare them for their respective fields of employment.

Students also profit from the broad range of research interests pursued by members of the department: Our fields of research in literary and cultural studies include all epochs of British and American literature and culture as well as most other English-speaking cultures; our linguists are working on varieties of English around the world as well as the history of the English language, while our colleagues in applied linguistics and EFL methodology focus on current methods in foreign-language teaching including the use of new media. A number of these research interests are pursued in interdisciplinary and international projects with other academic institutions. Our research thus contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of Anglophone societies and cultures on a global scale.

Anglophone Studies in the Ruhr Area
Students and staff of Department not only benefit from the inspiring atmosphere of learning and research, which is characterized by individualized mentoring and very personal and close cooperation, but also from the wide range of social and cultural activities and events that take place in and around the Ruhr area, one of the multicultural regions in Germany, which offers an abundance of opportunities for entertainment and, in recent years, has become an attractive environment for studying both among German and international students. If you want to learn more about Anglophone Studies in Duisburg-Essen, just feel free to contact us ... we are looking forward to hearing from you!