18:00 Uhr

Poets own the night

You have a passion for writing lyrical texts and would like to present your art to the world?
Do you love writing short stories and you’re searching for a place to showcase it?
In January the Fachschaft 1a will host an event to do just THAT. That night will be owned by you! So pick up your pen and let your thoughts flow. Whether it is a short Haiku which expresses your feelings or a short story, we want to hear it. It doesn’t matter if you have experience or in which language you voice your poetry, we invite YOU to join us that night.
As we would like to keep the evening peaceful, we would like for you to not talk about ongoing political conflicts.
For more information on this and future events, follow us on Instagram (fachschaft1a)!
You can also reach out to us via DM on this account or contact us via email (fs-kus@lists.uni-due.de), in case you have any questions.
Happy writing! Love, Fachschaft 1a


| Universitätsstr. 12 | R12 S00 H12 (Glaspavillon) | Campus Essen


Fachschaft 1 a
18:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr

Department of Anglophone Studies
English Language Movie Society (ELMS)
A Dust Bowl-Era Literary Classic with Prof. Dr. Florian Freitag

The Department of Anglophone Studies kindly invites you to join its the English Language Movie Society (ELMS)! The English Language Movie Society was founded in 2007 and is a group of students and sta...
18:00 Uhr

Poets own the night

You have a passion for writing lyrical texts and would like to present your art to the world? Do you love writing short stories and you’re searching for a place to showcase it? In January the Fachsc...
18:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr

Department of Anglophone Studies
English Language Movie Society (ELMS)
The Fachschaft Pick!

The Department of Anglophone Studies kindly invites you to join its the English Language Movie Society (ELMS)! The English Language Movie Society was founded in 2007 and is a group of students and sta...
14:00 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr

Student Conference on Inter-American Studies – Arte y Literatura Transregional del Siglo XI

Are you interested in learning more about Latinx, AfroIndigenous, and Caribbean art and literature? Then this student conference might be exactly what you were looking for! BA and BEd students in Amer...
18:00 Uhr

Burns Supper

Join us for a traditional dinner to celebrate the life of the Scottish bard! The second Anglophone Studies Burns Supper will take place on 24 January 2023 in the Glaspavillion. Students and staff are ...
18:30 Uhr - 19:30 Uhr

"Frauen leben länger, aber wovon? Der Gender Pension Gap und seine Ursachen"
Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer

Feminist Conversations is dedicated to fostering meaningful discussions around gender-related issues and creating a space for women to engage in these important conversations. Feel free to bring your ...
19:00 Uhr

"Sounds We Saw, Visions We Heard: The History of Jazz Fandom and the Politics of Imagining the Past and Envisaging a Future through Jazz Listening"
Masayoshi Yamada (UCLA)

Masayoshi Yamada (PhD candidate in History at UCLA) will give a talk on his dissertation topic, which offers the first extensive study of the history of jazz fans-defined as ardent devotees of jazz mu...
26.01.2024 - 27.01.2024

Ruhr PhD Forum in American Studies 2024

Friday, 26 January, 12:30-17:30, hosted by the University of Duisburg-Essen, Glaspavillon (R12 S00 H12, Campus Essen) Saturday, 27 January, 9:00-14:30, hosted by Technical University Dortmund, Inte...
16:15 Uhr

Introducing Gaming Studies
Sascha Pöhlmann (TU Dortmund)

In this student-centered workshop, Prof. Dr. Sascha Pöhlmann (American Studies, TU Dortmund) will introduce the field of Game Studies and help students develop their own research topics. All BA and MA...
19:30 Uhr

The Duisburg University English Thespians
“HARVEST” by Manjula Padmanabhan
A show by DUET

In a high-rise slum tenement, Om Prakash’s family need a source of income in order to survive. So Om signs himself up to Interplanta, to supply as a “Donor” whatever very rich “Receivers” on the other...
©Nathalie Schueller

Visit of Jarred Johnson

Jarred Johnson is a writer and educator from Kentucky in the United States. He graduated in spring 2024 from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and previously worked for three years at the German Center for Research and Innovation New York City. He is visiting the Department of American Studies at UDE under Prof. Florian Freitag's tutelage after receiving a short-term research grant from the DAAD. He will spend fall 2024 researching memory and history in post-industrial areas, comparing the Ruhr region of Germany to the Appalachian region of the United States. He is at work on a novel that explores the future of former coal mining regions. Jarred will use the UDE as a base for his work and research in the Ruhr region and will collaborate with Prof. Barbara Buchenau's and Prof. Florian Freitag's BA Seminar "Sustainable Urbanities."

Join us in welcoming Jarred Johnson and supporting his research during his visit. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to engage with his work.

For more information, please contact Prof. Florian Freitag