Faculty of Biology
Mentoring programme
The Faculty of Biology offers a mentoring programme for students of the degree courses B.Sc. Biology and B.Sc./M.Sc. Medical Biology (and for all studies for a teaching degree from WS 2011/12): Individual assistance by a university teacher and a wide range of additional sessions related to important aspects of the studies support the students on their entire way to a successful graduation and beyond.
Personal contact Mentoring groups
At the beginning of their studies, students are assigned to a university teacher, who will accompany them throughout their years of study. Supported by research assistants, the professors guide the students in mentoring groups, in which Bachelor and Master students come together in order to promote exchange of experience between the students as well. At the beginning of each term, the university teachers invite their students to a group talk. Students may suggest topics themselves, subject-specific or beyond if desired.
Individual guidance and support Course guidance
The advisors of the Faculty and student representatives are on hand with help and advice for the students throughout their studies. Students with problems may obtain helpful support, while excellent students may be addressed by presenting them special support programmes and opportunities.
Guidance General information sessions
In addition to central sessions by the academic advisory centre (ABZ) for instance, university teachers and course advisors of the faculty of biology as well as student representatives offer information sessions on different stages of studies (e.g. internship semester, theses). Additional sessions on individual further education and funding beyond studies (e.g. stay abroad, scholarship programmes) complement the range of offers.
Informal meeting with lecturers "Studenten-Dozenten-Cafe"
The student council regularly invites students and university teachers to get together in their lounge (T03 R01 D51). Students and teachers may discuss subject-specific topics, have informal talks or simply have a cup of coffee together.
Opening up horizons Work experience
The mentoring programme directly connects students to potential employers. There are excursions to research institutions, authorities, and companies. Graduates and company employees are invited to talk about their daily work life in special sessions or presentations.
Studying with the little ones Parents’ group
Being student and parent at the same time is not easy to combine, especially in natural sciences. In a relaxed atmosphere of the parents’ group, parents may discuss and solve their problems. How to participate in practical courses while being pregnant or nursing without endangering my child? How to organize lectures, seminars, practical courses, and child care?
If requested, we may also invite experts from the academic advisory centre and from the student services to our meetings.
You are studying at the faculty of biology with one or more kids and you would like to participate in the parents’ group? Please write an email to: nadine.ruchter@uni-due.de
Having a say and improving Feedback meetings
At the end of each summer term, all students of a degree course are invited to talk to course advisors and representatives of the examination board or to course coordinators about strong and weak points of particular courses and to make suggestions for improvement. The results of the feedback meetings have a direct influence on the meetings of the examination board, in which modifications of courses are discussed.
Celebrating and keeping in touch Graduation & alumni
We celebrate our students and take farewell of them after their graduation with an annual official graduation celebration. Even after their leaving, we keep in touch with our graduates: If requested, they will regularly receive news and invitations to presentations and celebrations of the faculty. Fellow students and university teachers stay in touch via the
. Alumni are cordially invited to pay occasional visits to their former university and to tell our students and staff about their experiences and their work life.
Certificate of participation Acknowledgement
The participation in the mentoring programme is voluntary. If the students regularly take part in the programme (one session per term), they will receive a certificate of participation along with their graduation certificate. Participation will be attested by a stamp book, which is kept by the students and stamped by the respective mentor after each session.