Since 01.05.2024, the working group for “Theory and Methods of Social Work” at the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy has been newly staffed. The working group is headed by Prof. Dr. Holger Schoneville. The working group also includes Helen Dambach and Clara Will as research assistants. The secretariat is managed by Melanie Hagen. Josefine Teicke completes the team as a student assistant. In terms of content, we deal with fundamental theoretical and empirical questions of social work. We are currently working on issues such as poverty and social exclusion from a socio-pedagogical perspective. Another focus of our work is educational research on the cultural educational practices of young people under conditions of inequality.

Chair  of the Working group

Prof. Dr. Holger Schoneville

Team assistant

Melanie Hagen


Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Soziale Arbeit & Sozialpolitik
Universitätsstr. 2
45141 Essen

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