Katarzyna Jendrzey - Publications & Letcures



  • König, Alexandra; Schwittek, Jessica; Jendrzey, Katarzyna
    “Good childhood” : Children’s perception and evaluation of transnational families
    In: Frontiers in Sociology Vol. 9 (2024) 1470541
  • 2021

  • König, Alexandra; Bühler-Niederberger, Doris; Jendrzey, Katarzyna
    Good Mothers – Good Children : Temporary Labour Migration of Polish Women
    In: Kindheit in gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen / Dreke, Claudia; Hungerland, Beatrice (Eds.) 2021, pp. 204 - 221


08/2024: “Children's ideas and interpretations of family normality in the context of transnational families”. 16th ESA Conference 2024, "Tension, Trust and Transformation", Porto, Portugal

11/2023: „Who or what is left behind? Children's interpretations of parents' temporary migrations”. International Conference, "Stay-Behind Children of Eastern Europe: Challenges and Solutions", Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

09/2023:The Child as an Agent in Transnational Families - Methodological and Theoretical Considerations Using the Example of a Polish-German Research Project“. Children and Youth Perspectives, Theory, Research and Practice in European Context, Prague.

07/2023:Children’s perspectives on migration: Growing up in transnational families“. 20th Annual IMISCOE Conference, Warsaw.

10/2022:Children’s views on transnational family arrangements”. DeZIM Annual Conference, Berlin.

11/2021:Kinderliteratur als Raum der Gestaltungs- und Ordnungsbemühungen rund um Kindheit“. Politiken der Kindheit. Jahrestagung der DGS-Sektion »Soziologie der Kindheit«.

10/2021:Geschichten über Migration(en). Eine qualitative Analyse von Kinderbüchern in Deutschland und Polen“. DeZIM-Nachwuchstagung 2021.

02/2019: „Kształtowanie się „Paniki moralnej” wokół pojęcia Eurosieroctwa. Obraz rodzica transnarodowego”. University of Wrocław.

11/2018:Feminizacja migracji. Transnarodowe macierzyństwo”. University of Wrocław.