CENIDE Nano Summer Program
Success Story CENIDE Nano Summer Program 2012 Participant wins Poster Award
It is a great success of the Nano Summer Program 2012: The poster of a participant that resulted from the research project in CENIDE has won the first prize of the Nano Ontario Conference 2012.
Timothy Sipkens, Canadian participant from the University of Waterloo, completed his four-week summer research project under the direction of Dr. Hartmut Wiggers in the group of Professor Dr. Christof Schulz. His poster with both affiliations – University of Waterloo and CENIDE – is entitled "In situ particle size measurements of gas-borne silicon nanoparticles by time-resolved laser-induced incandescence". Out of over 100 entries from universities across Ontario, his poster was chosen as a winner by ballots submitted by all conference attendees.
Probably early 2013 Sipkens will return for a research visit to the Institute for combustion and gasdynamics to continue his work.