News Archive
December 2022 Scientific Exchange with the University of Belgrade
From 21.11 to 12.12.22 Thorben and Tobias joined the group of Prof. Nemanja Trisovic at the University of Belgrade (Serbia) to work on bent-core liquid crystals. Thanks for your hospitality and see you soon!
September 2022 Research Guests from Serbia
Aleksandra and the leader of the serbian working group, Nemanja, join our group in september for a short reasearch stay.
We hope they enjoy their stay here in Essen.
June 2022 DAAD Exchange to Belgrade
In June Alexander travelled to our DAAD cooperation partner in Belgrade. For one Month he worked in the group of Nemanja Trišović. It was a very successful and pleasant stay. We hope that we will meet again soon, this time here in Essen. Vidimo se!
3rd May 2022 Mini-Symposium on Luminescent Materials for Additive Manufacturing
On the 3rd Mai we had our virtual Mini-Symposium on "Luminescent Materials for Additive Manufacturing" with the working group of Yann Molard from the Rennes Institute of Chemical Science in france. We hope on good and productive work together and many successful projects in the future.
8th April 2022 En Route to Adaptive Liquid Crystals with Dynamic Covalent Chemistry
Meik's work in Cooperation with Francesco, from the University of British Columbia, on "Manipulation of Liquid Crystalline Properties by Dynamic Covalent Chemistry-En Route to Adaptive Materials" has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
30th March 2022 Giese Group strikes again!
From 28. - 30.03.22 a part of our working group participated in the 48th Conference of the German Liquid Crystal Society and our newest group member Tobias won the best poster award. Congratulation! After the price for the best oral contribution in 2021 it is the second price for our working group at the GLCC.
In addition, we would like to thank the organizers and all participants a for nice conference.
17th March 2022 Digitalization of organic chemistry exams
Innovating Exams, Accomplishing Transfer, Fostering Equal Opportunities – these are the key challenges of the PITCH project at the University of Duisburg-Essen, which is funded by the foundation Innovation in University Teaching (Stiftung Innovationen in der Hochschullehre). Together with Dr. Katrin Schüßler and Prof. Dr. Maik Walpuski, Prof. Dr. Michael Giese is currently tackling the challenge of digitalizing organic chemistry exams (details).
16th March 2022 Heisenberg Professorship
The Professor-Werdelmann-Foundation successfully funded the Juniorprofessorship of Michael Giese for five years. Now he was promoted to a Heisenberg-Professor position for Supramolecular Materials.
24th February 2022 Responsive Hydrogen-Bonded Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Photonic Materials
The Co-Operation between Florian and Lukas, from the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, published the article "Hydrogen-Bonded Cholesteric Liquid Crystals—A Modular Approach Toward Responsive Photonic Materials" in Advanced Photonics Research. Congratulations!
8th February 2022 Controlling ambidextrous mirror symmetry
The co-operation between Felix and Mohamed led to a new publication in the Journal of Molecular Liquids on the subject of "Controlling ambidextrous mirror symmetry breaking in photosensitive supramolecular polycatenars by alkyl-chain engineering". Congratulations!
19th January 2022 Paper published
Dennis and Cecilia published yet another paper about "Selective Disruption of Survivin's Protein-Protein Interactions: A Supramolecular Approach Based on Guanidiniocarbonylpyrrole" in ChemBioChem. Congratulations!
14th October 2021 Official Start of the Heisenberg-Professorship
Today Michael was promoted to professor of organic chemistry in the framework of the Heisenberg-program. Thank you for all the support that have made it possible . Looking forward to continue working at the UDE.
9th September 2021 Shine bright like a liquid crystal
Jens Voskuhl and Michael Giese published a review article on “Mesogens with aggregation-induced emission properties” in Aggregates. Congratulations!
1st June 2021 New Team Member
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Giese, Darius Zalzadeh will be responsible for the area of product innovations and 3-D printing in the newly emerging Co-Creation Lab as part of the project GUIDEPLUS.
Welcome to our team!
May 6th 2021 Mini-Symposium on Photo-active Materials
On May 6th 201 the groups of Prof. Voskuhl and Prof. Giese hosted the virtual Mini-symposium on "photo-active Materials". With more than 50 participants, we had an inspiring scientific exchange and looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the future.
We would like to thank all participants making the meeting a success.
29th March 2021 DAAD Kick-off meeting with the Trišović group
On the 29th March we had our first bilateral meeting with our DAAD cooperation partners from the working group of Nemanja Trišović in serbia. We hope on a good and fruitful work together and many successful projects.
SoSe 21 Abschlussarbeiten und Froschungspraktika
Wir bieten die Möglichkeit in unserem Abreitskreis Bachlor- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Forschungspraktika im Bereich supramolekularer Materialien zu absolvieren. Nähere Informationen findet ihr hier oder auf unserer Research-Seite.
Bei Interesse meldet euch bei mir oder meinen Mitarbeitern.
March 24th 2021 Naturally occurring polyphenols as building blocks for supramolecular liquid crystals
Jan and Meik now published their second paper toghether on the Topic of "Naturally occurring polyphenols as building blocks for supramolecular liquid crystals – substitution pattern dominates mesomorphism".
March 20th 2021 47th German Liquid Crystal Conference
The Giese group joined the GLCC meeting 2021 online. We would like to thank the organizers and all participants for a nice conference. In addition, Meik received a prize for his presentation, congratulations for that.
March 2021 Goodbye and Farewell
Subrata is leaving our group this week. We look back at a fruitful collaboration and a nice time together. We wish you all the best for your future!
January 25th 2021 Liquid Cristalline NO2 sensors
Matthias' work in cooperation with Lukas from the University of Applied Sciences Bonn‐Rhein‐Sieg on the topic "Photonic NO2 Gas Sensing with Binaphthyl‐Based Dopants" was published in Advanced Optical Materials. Congratulations!
January 14th 2021 Tuning the solid-state emission of liquid crystalline nitro-cyanostilbene by halogen bonding
Subrata's work on tuning the flourescence of halogen bonded nitro-cyanostilbenes has beeen published in the special issue on “molecular recognition” in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations!
July 16th 2020 pH Responsive Polymeric Nanoparticles
Marcel and Jan-Erik's work on "Water-Soluble, pH Responsive Polymeric Nanoparticles: A Modular Approach" was published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Congratulations!
May 29th 2020 Switchable Fluorescence Paper published
Alexander Kappelt’s work on “Photo-switchable Fluorescence in Hydrogen-bonded Liquid Crystals” was accepted for publication in Chemistry – A European Journal, congratulations for this great work.
April 14th 2020 Review on Alkyl-Alkyl Interactions
The mini review by Markus Albrecht and Michael Giese on “Alkyl‐Alkyl Interactions in the Periphery of Supramolecular Entities: From the Evaluation of Weak Forces to Applications” was published in the special issue “Supramolecular Chemistry: Young Talents and their Mentors” of ChemPlusChem.
April 10th 2020 Smart polymeric Nanoparticles
Subrata Saha and Marcel’s paper on “Smart Glycopolymeric Nanoparticles for Multivalent Lectin Binding and Stimuli-controlled Guest Release” was accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules
April 9th 2020
Jochen, Jens and Michael summarized Carsten’s scientific achievements in the minireview “Guanidiniocarbonyl‐Pyrroles (GCP) – 20 Years of the Schmuck Binding Motif”.
March 2020 Paper in Cooperation with Gökce Group
Meik published together with the Gökce group a paper on “Plasmonic seasoning: Giving color to desktop laser 3D-printed polymers by highly dispersed nanoparticles”
January 8th 2020 Blocking Survivin - A Promissing Way to Inhibit Cancer
Cecilia and Dennis published their paper on “Functional Disruption of the Cancer‐Relevant Interaction between Survivin and Histone H3 with a Guanidiniocarbonyl Pyrrole Ligand” in Angewandte Chemie – Congratualations!
January 6th 2020 New Paper on reveratrol-based liquid crystals
Meiks and Jans work on „Photo-switching and -cyclisation of hydrogen bonded liquid crystals based on resveratrol“ was accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Congratulations!
October 25th 2019 "Shine like a Liquid Crystal"
Marcos and Meiks paper on "Mesogens with Aggregation-Induced Emission Formed by Hydrogen Bonding" was published in ACS Materials Letters. Congratulations to all participants and shine together.
July 1st 2019 Intramolecular Hydrogen-bond makes a difference
Michael‘s and Marco’s paper “Improving the Mesomorphic Behaviour of Supramolecular Liquid Crystals by Resonance-assisted Hydrogen Bonding" was published online in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congratulations!
June 2019 ISMSC 2019 in Lecce
Michael, Marco, Meik, and Matthias attended the ISMSC 2019 in Lecce in southern Italy, successfully presented posters on their current research and had a meet and greet with Nobel Prize Winner Ben Feringa.
June 24th 2019 Dies Academicus Teaching Award
Michael Giese receives together with Jens Voskuhl and Jochen Niemeyer the University Duisburg-Essen teaching award for their extraordinary engagement for students. The price was presented by Marco Schmiedtchen and Louisa Waasmann during the DIES Academicus celebrations and is endowed with 5.000 EUR. Congratulations to the Young Group Leaders of the Organic Chemistry department!
May 23th 2019 MSDE most-read articles
Matthias and Michael's Review article "Cellulose nanocrystals in nanoarchitectonics – towards photonic functional materials" was recently highlighted as one of the ten most read MSDE articles for the first quarter of 2019. The collection of all articles can be found here as Open access until June 30th.
April 5th 2019 New Paper published
Marco’s paper „Structure–property relationships in aromatic thioethers featuring aggregation-induced emission: solid-state structures and theoretical analysis“ was published in CrystEngComm – Congratulations!
April 5th 2019 New Publication
Together with the group of Dr. Marcel Albrecht from the University of Saarland Meik and Marco published their studies on “Alkyloxy modified pyrene fluorophores with tunable photophysical and crystalline properties”. Congratulations!
March 2019 GLCC 2019 in Paderborn
The Giese group and Jens Voskuhl enjoy the German Liquid Crystal Conference in Paderborn.
30th March 2022 Giese Group strikes again!
From 28. - 30.03.22 a part of our working group participated in the 48th Conference of the German Liquid Crystal Society and our newest group member Tobias won the best poster award. Congratulation! After the price for the best oral contribution in 2021 it is the second price for our working group at the GLCC.
In addition, we would like to thank the organizers and all participants a for nice conference.
17th March 2022 Digitalization of organic chemistry exams
Innovating Exams, Accomplishing Transfer, Fostering Equal Opportunities – these are the key challenges of the PITCH project at the University of Duisburg-Essen, which is funded by the foundation Innovation in University Teaching (Stiftung Innovationen in der Hochschullehre). Together with Dr. Katrin Schüßler and Prof. Dr. Maik Walpuski, Prof. Dr. Michael Giese is currently tackling the challenge of digitalizing organic chemistry exams (details).
16th March 2022 Heisenberg Professorship
The Professor-Werdelmann-Foundation successfully funded the Juniorprofessorship of Michael Giese for five years. Now he was promoted to a Heisenberg-Professor position for Supramolecular Materials.
24th February 2022 Responsive Hydrogen-Bonded Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Photonic Materials
The Co-Operation between Florian and Lukas, from the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, published the article "Hydrogen-Bonded Cholesteric Liquid Crystals—A Modular Approach Toward Responsive Photonic Materials" in Advanced Photonics Research. Congratulations!
8th February 2022 Controlling ambidextrous mirror symmetry
The co-operation between Felix and Mohamed led to a new publication in the Journal of Molecular Liquids on the subject of "Controlling ambidextrous mirror symmetry breaking in photosensitive supramolecular polycatenars by alkyl-chain engineering". Congratulations!
19th January 2022 Paper published
Dennis and Cecilia published yet another paper about "Selective Disruption of Survivin's Protein-Protein Interactions: A Supramolecular Approach Based on Guanidiniocarbonylpyrrole" in ChemBioChem. Congratulations!
14th October 2021 Official Start of the Heisenberg-Professorship
Today Michael was promoted to professor of organic chemistry in the framework of the Heisenberg-program. Thank you for all the support that have made it possible . Looking forward to continue working at the UDE.
9th September 2021 Shine bright like a liquid crystal
Jens Voskuhl and Michael Giese published a review article on “Mesogens with aggregation-induced emission properties” in Aggregates. Congratulations!
1st June 2021 New Team Member
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Giese, Darius Zalzadeh will be responsible for the area of product innovations and 3-D printing in the newly emerging Co-Creation Lab as part of the project GUIDEPLUS.
Welcome to our team!
May 6th 2021 Mini-Symposium on Photo-active Materials
On May 6th 201 the groups of Prof. Voskuhl and Prof. Giese hosted the virtual Mini-symposium on "photo-active Materials". With more than 50 participants, we had an inspiring scientific exchange and looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the future.
We would like to thank all participants making the meeting a success.
29th March 2021 DAAD Kick-off meeting with the Trišović group
On the 29th March we had our first bilateral meeting with our DAAD cooperation partners from the working group of Nemanja Trišović in serbia. We hope on a good and fruitful work together and many successful projects.
SoSe 21 Abschlussarbeiten und Froschungspraktika
Wir bieten die Möglichkeit in unserem Abreitskreis Bachlor- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Forschungspraktika im Bereich supramolekularer Materialien zu absolvieren. Nähere Informationen findet ihr hier oder auf unserer Research-Seite.
Bei Interesse meldet euch bei mir oder meinen Mitarbeitern.
March 24th 2021 Naturally occurring polyphenols as building blocks for supramolecular liquid crystals
Jan and Meik now published their second paper toghether on the Topic of "Naturally occurring polyphenols as building blocks for supramolecular liquid crystals – substitution pattern dominates mesomorphism".
March 20th 2021 47th German Liquid Crystal Conference
The Giese group joined the GLCC meeting 2021 online. We would like to thank the organizers and all participants for a nice conference. In addition, Meik received a prize for his presentation, congratulations for that.
March 2021 Goodbye and Farewell
Subrata is leaving our group this week. We look back at a fruitful collaboration and a nice time together. We wish you all the best for your future!
January 25th 2021 Liquid Cristalline NO2 sensors
Matthias' work in cooperation with Lukas from the University of Applied Sciences Bonn‐Rhein‐Sieg on the topic "Photonic NO2 Gas Sensing with Binaphthyl‐Based Dopants" was published in Advanced Optical Materials. Congratulations!
January 14th 2021 Tuning the solid-state emission of liquid crystalline nitro-cyanostilbene by halogen bonding
Subrata's work on tuning the flourescence of halogen bonded nitro-cyanostilbenes has beeen published in the special issue on “molecular recognition” in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations!
July 16th 2020 pH Responsive Polymeric Nanoparticles
Marcel and Jan-Erik's work on "Water-Soluble, pH Responsive Polymeric Nanoparticles: A Modular Approach" was published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Congratulations!
May 29th 2020 Switchable Fluorescence Paper published
Alexander Kappelt’s work on “Photo-switchable Fluorescence in Hydrogen-bonded Liquid Crystals” was accepted for publication in Chemistry – A European Journal, congratulations for this great work.
April 14th 2020 Review on Alkyl-Alkyl Interactions
The mini review by Markus Albrecht and Michael Giese on “Alkyl‐Alkyl Interactions in the Periphery of Supramolecular Entities: From the Evaluation of Weak Forces to Applications” was published in the special issue “Supramolecular Chemistry: Young Talents and their Mentors” of ChemPlusChem.
April 10th 2020 Smart polymeric Nanoparticles
Subrata Saha and Marcel’s paper on “Smart Glycopolymeric Nanoparticles for Multivalent Lectin Binding and Stimuli-controlled Guest Release” was accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules
April 9th 2020
Jochen, Jens and Michael summarized Carsten’s scientific achievements in the minireview “Guanidiniocarbonyl‐Pyrroles (GCP) – 20 Years of the Schmuck Binding Motif”.
March 2020 Paper in Cooperation with Gökce Group
Meik published together with the Gökce group a paper on “Plasmonic seasoning: Giving color to desktop laser 3D-printed polymers by highly dispersed nanoparticles”
January 8th 2020 Blocking Survivin - A Promissing Way to Inhibit Cancer
Cecilia and Dennis published their paper on “Functional Disruption of the Cancer‐Relevant Interaction between Survivin and Histone H3 with a Guanidiniocarbonyl Pyrrole Ligand” in Angewandte Chemie – Congratualations!
January 6th 2020 New Paper on reveratrol-based liquid crystals
Meiks and Jans work on „Photo-switching and -cyclisation of hydrogen bonded liquid crystals based on resveratrol“ was accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Congratulations!
October 25th 2019 "Shine like a Liquid Crystal"
Marcos and Meiks paper on "Mesogens with Aggregation-Induced Emission Formed by Hydrogen Bonding" was published in ACS Materials Letters. Congratulations to all participants and shine together.
July 1st 2019 Intramolecular Hydrogen-bond makes a difference
Michael‘s and Marco’s paper “Improving the Mesomorphic Behaviour of Supramolecular Liquid Crystals by Resonance-assisted Hydrogen Bonding" was published online in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congratulations!
June 2019 ISMSC 2019 in Lecce
Michael, Marco, Meik, and Matthias attended the ISMSC 2019 in Lecce in southern Italy, successfully presented posters on their current research and had a meet and greet with Nobel Prize Winner Ben Feringa.
June 24th 2019 Dies Academicus Teaching Award
Michael Giese receives together with Jens Voskuhl and Jochen Niemeyer the University Duisburg-Essen teaching award for their extraordinary engagement for students. The price was presented by Marco Schmiedtchen and Louisa Waasmann during the DIES Academicus celebrations and is endowed with 5.000 EUR. Congratulations to the Young Group Leaders of the Organic Chemistry department!
May 23th 2019 MSDE most-read articles
Matthias and Michael's Review article "Cellulose nanocrystals in nanoarchitectonics – towards photonic functional materials" was recently highlighted as one of the ten most read MSDE articles for the first quarter of 2019. The collection of all articles can be found here as Open access until June 30th.
April 5th 2019 New Paper published
Marco’s paper „Structure–property relationships in aromatic thioethers featuring aggregation-induced emission: solid-state structures and theoretical analysis“ was published in CrystEngComm – Congratulations!
April 5th 2019 New Publication
Together with the group of Dr. Marcel Albrecht from the University of Saarland Meik and Marco published their studies on “Alkyloxy modified pyrene fluorophores with tunable photophysical and crystalline properties”. Congratulations!
March 2019 GLCC 2019 in Paderborn
The Giese group and Jens Voskuhl enjoy the German Liquid Crystal Conference in Paderborn.
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