Associated Members
Francesca Ialuna
In my PhD, I am focusing on school integration of recently arrived immigrant and refugee children and families in Germany.
Important stages in the CV |
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Research Projects at the Graduate Programme |
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Important stages in the CV
05/2020 - jetzt |
Research Associate: Intercultural Psychology Group– Migration und Integration, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen |
02/2020 - 04/2020 & 06/2018 - 11/2019 |
Research Associate: Center for Family and Child Research, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum |
10/2015 - 12/2017 | M.Sc. Community Psychology, University of Padua |
10/2011 - 12/2017 | BSc. Psychology, University of Trieste |
Research focus
- Cultural socialization
- Parental involvement in school and children's school achievement
- Resilience processes
Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Universitätsstr. 2
45141 Essen
45141 Essen
S06 S06 A07
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Institut für Psychologie
The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.
Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy and cultural diversity climate are positively associated with the academic and psychological adjustment of immigrant and nonimmigrant studentsIn: Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology (2024) in pressOnline Full Text: Online Full Text (Open Access)
Culturally responsive teaching, teacher-student relationship and school belongingness : A multi-informant study in ethnically diverse classroomsIn: Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Vol. 47 (2024) 100839Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Resilience in multicultural classrooms : School relationships can protect the school adjustment of immigrant, refugee and non‐immigrant childrenIn: British Journal of Educational Psychology (BJEP) (2024) in pressOnline Full Text: (Open Access)
Gender-Publication-Gap als Thema in der universitären Gleichstellungsarbeit : Befunde, offene Fragen und MaßnahmenIn: Erziehungswissenschaft Vol. 34 (2023) Nr. 66, pp. 49 - 59Online Full Text:; Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Do infrahumanization or affective prejudice drive teacher discrimination against Romani students? : A conceptual replication of Bruneau et al. (2020) in GermanyIn: Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology Vol. 28 (2022) Nr. 3, pp. 340 - 344Online Full Text:
Researching race-ethnicity in race-mute EuropeIn: Infant and Child Development Vol. 31 (2022) Nr. 1, pp. e2260Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Mental Health Needs of Refugee Children in Specialized Early Education and Care Programs in GermanyIn: Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Vol. 22 (2020) Nr. 1, pp. 22 - 33Online Full Text:
Resilience in multicultural classrooms : do positive relationships moderate the language proficiency-school adjustment link?(2023)Online Full Text: (Open Access)
Stereotype und Vorurteile gegenüber Roma-Schüler*innen : Ein Überblick zu den Ursachen, zu Interventionen und bewährten PraktikenIn: Stereotype in der Schule II: Ursachen und Möglichkeiten der Intervention / Glock, Susanne (Eds.) 2022, pp. 235 - 263Online Full Text:
Valuing Cultural Diversity at School : how schools and teachers can promote the adjustment of immigrant, refugee and non-immigrant childrenDuisburg, Essen (2024) VI, 274 SeitenOnline Full Text: Online Full Text (Open Access)
Journal articles
Book articles / Proceedings papers
- Buchmüller, T., Ialuna, F., Leyendecker, B., & Busch, J. (März, 2019). What Makes the Difference? Assessing the Impact of German Preschool Programs for Newly Arrived Immigrant and Refugee Children on Developmental Trajectories. Symposium für die Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), Spring Conference 2019, Washington (DC), USA
- Busch, J., Buchmüller, T., Lembcke, H., Ialuna, F. & Leyendecker B. (Juli, 2018). Get ready for school! Exploring school readiness of recently arrived refugee children. Poster vorgestellt am 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Gold Coast, Australien
- Ialuna, F. (November, 2017). Bildungswünsche und Erziehungsziele von rumänischen Zuwanderern. Vortrag gehalten für die RuhrFutur Stiftung, Essen.