Prof. Dr. Heike Theyßen

Head of the Theyßen Working Group on Physics Education


Room:    T03 R04 D44
Phone:   +49 201 183 3338
Fax:        +49 201 183 7372


Verena Broszeit
Room    T03 R04 D46
Phone:  +49 (0)201 183 4318
Fax:       +49 (0)201 183 7372

Office hours

By appointment online or in person
Link BBB-room

Research Interests

  • Competence modeling and -diagnostics
  • Introductory phase in physics education
  • Experiments and new media in physics education

►►► Current Publication List

Curriculum Vitae

2011 University Professor (W2) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Institute for Physics Education.
2008 Habilitation in Physics Education, TU Dortmund, Title: "Adressatenspezifische Physikpraktika mit neuen Medien: Gegenstand von Forschung und Entwicklung (Targeted labwork courses in physics using new media - a topic in research and development)"
1999 Dissertation (degree: Dr. rer. nat.), University of Bremen; Title: "Ein Physikpraktikum für Studierende der Medizin. Entwicklung und Evaluation eines adressatenspezifischen Praktikums nach dem Modell der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion (A labwork course in physics for medical students - development and evaluation of a targeted labwork course according to the model of educational reconstruction)"
1996 First state teacher certification examination in physics and mathematics for teaching certification for secondary and grammar schools
1993 Degree in Physics


Projects in Research and Education

  • Innovate exams, create transfer, promote equal opportunities [Prüfungen innovieren, Transfer schaffen, Chancengerechtigkeit fördern (PITCH)]; funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre Project info [german only]
  • Influence of the promotion of specific types of knowledge on academic success in biology and physics [Einfluss der Förderung spezifischer Wissensarten auf Studienerfolg in Biologie und Physik (EASTER)], funded by the BMBF; in collaboration with the University of Potsdam Project Info [german only]
  • PracticeLab Physics, sub-project in ProViel, supported by the BMBF within the framework of "Quality campaign teacher training" Project Info [german only]
  • Promoting young talent in STEM courses [MiLeNa: Nachwuchsförderung in den MINT-Studiengängen], in collaboration with: RWTH Aachen,  the University of Bonn and the University of Wuppertal Project Info [german only]
  • Forstering experimental skills with worked examples and incremental scaffolds [Lösungsbeispiele und gestufte Lernhilfen zur Unterstützung des Erwerbs experimenteller Fähigkeiten], sub-project of post graduate programme SUSe I, funded by the MI-WF NRW; Post graduate programme [german only]
Completed Projects [german only]
