Welcome to Physics Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen

What is going on? News from the WG

During the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics, Cornelia Geller (photo), Martin Dickmann and Hendrik Härtig were awarded the teaching prize of the student council for their commitment and the quality of their teaching. Sincere congratulations from the whole WG!


He who writes, remains...

Click here for the publications of the WG of Physics Education of the years 2022| 2023 | 2024

Current publicatons

What exactly is... Physics Education ?

The natural science of physics is integral to a well-rounded education. From an individual perspective, physics is important in providing us with a sense of orientation in the world and helping us to make sound decisions in modern society. From a societal perspective, physics is crucial as well given the increasing demand for people who can apply physics knowledge and practical skills to the design and use of ecological and industrial technologies.  
Everyone who has gone through a traditional school system, however, is well aware that it is no easy task acquiring a theoretical and practical understanding of physics in the classroom setting. A central focus of research in physics education is therefore to describe and explain learning processes that are specific to the subject of physics and shared by students from all levels and types of schools. This research also encompasses the study and optimization of teaching methods, and seeks to develop instruments for improving the quality of teaching and teacher training in physics education.  
The working groups on physics education investigate the contexts and conditions under which classroom learning takes place, and study the effects of teacher training on physics instruction at all school levels, drawing methodologies from the fields of psychology and educational science. A further  Research focus, conducted in close cooperation with the disciplines of biology and chemistry, is the investigation of aspects of teaching and learning that are unique to these three natural sciences.

Where to find us

Physics Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen is located in Building T03 right at the Essen Campus: on the 4th floor (R04) you find the offices of the staff whereas on the 5th and 6th floor (R05 and R06) there are the facilities for lectures, seminars and practical training. Most of the lessons take place here. 

Lectures summer term 2024

The courses of the summer term 2024 start on 8th April, 2024. The lecture period ends on 19th July, 2024.

To enable teaching, students must register in the Moodle course rooms of the events. Further information on the exact form of the course and on accompanying exercises / projects can be obtained by the students directly from the respective lecturer via the Moodle course room.

Course catalogue summer term 2024