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How do we want to work in the future?

Learning from challenges Future of Work (ZdA)
The "Zukunft der Arbeit" (Future of Work) project has analyzed the medium- and long-term challenges for university administration posed by the Corona pandemic, advancing digitization, and work in the home office, and has examined in a participatory process which solutions can be integrated into the administration's daily work routine.

Follow-up Project Transfer of Knowledge
How is work at the UDE shaped in different areas? The university administration has developed concrete ideas on this within the framework of the "Future of Work" project, on which the follow-up project „Erkenntnistransfer Zukunft der Arbeit“ (Knowledge Transfer Future of Work) is now building. It is investigating how the ideas for administration can be adapted for the science sector.

Follow-up Project Office Working World
Creating better workspaces, enhancing creativity and work performance, strengthening exchange and the feeling of belonging to a group - and at the same time ensuring economic efficiency and sustainability in the use of space: The project "Zukunft der Arbeit@Arbeitswelt Büro" (Future of Work@Office Working World) is currently investigating how working conditions can be adapted to the requirements of the future in order to facilitate better work.

Strategy Process Administration 2030
The strategy process „UDE Verwaltung 2030“ (UDE Administration 2030) is intended to position the university administration in its role as a central service provider in a future-proof manner and to respond creatively to the diverse challenges. Interested employees of the administration are invited to participate in one of the three project groups (workplace UDE, processes, resources).
Service & Internal News
(Access for university members & from the internal network of the UDE)

2025-03-05 | CampusGUIDE Ideenwettbewerb geht in die nächste Runde
Her mit den guten Einfällen!

2025-02-28 | GremienWahlen zu den ständigen Universitätskommissionen
Vorschläge bis zum 5. März einreichen