A Culture of Welcome
A Culture of Welcome
The special self-image of the UDE includes a living culture of welcome, which is constantly being developed further. In the area of research, the focus here is primarily on the group of visiting scientists. The UDE is pursuing the goal of continuously increasing the number of foreign guests in the coming years. Analogous to the area of young researchers, the programs of the DFG, the AvH Foundation and the European Research Council (ERC-Advanced Grants) are addressed here.
Attractive Environment
The UDE presents its visiting scientists with an attractive environment that takes their needs into account and relieves them - wherever possible - of bureaucratic efforts. Visiting scientists can concentrate on their scientific tasks at the UDE. An appropriate environment contributes to the attractiveness and competitiveness of the UDE.
Diversity Competence
The teaching staff of the UDE have an increasingly heterogeneous background as well as a high degree of diversity competence and are sensitized to the initial situation and conditions of foreign students in terms of language, intercultural, labor and immigration law. For this purpose, the UDE regularly offers employees target group-specific training, seminars and handouts to further develop their own competencies.
High Proportion of International Students
Due to high proportion of international students and an equally high proportion of international students among graduates, the University of Duisburg-Essen ranks among the top ten in this area nationwide. Students coming to the UDE from abroad encounter a pronounced welcoming culture. The UDE creates meeting spaces for students with international and domestic educational backgrounds, for example in the Tutoring Service Center (TSC) of the International Office. The UDE is aware that a high proportion of international students alone by no means automatically contributes to the internationalization of the university and life on the campuses, but that considerable efforts are needed to tap the corresponding internationalization potential. The activities concern both the integration of international students, the creation of opportunities for all students to meet, regardless of their origin, and the internationalization of German students, the vast majority of whom come from the university towns or their neighboring towns. Following the guideline "well looked after", the university-wide mentoring system, by integrating international and intercultural elements with a view to the international students, serves to ensure better integration from the initial study phase onwards and to sustainably secure the study success of the international students in the further course. In addition, the UDE focuses its attention on international prospective students, who are already prepared for their studies in the application phase by a clear and well-structured information and counseling offer and are bound to the UDE.
International Office First Contact
The central service office for international contacts of the University of Duisburg-Essen.