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R. Msiska/J. Schaab/D. Meier/amb design & illustrations

Pioneering studyNew Possibilities for Reservoir Computing

  • von Ulrike Bohnsack
  • 03.07.2024

The team led by Prof Dr Everschor-Sitte laid the foundations for magnetic reservoir computing around seven years ago. Now, together with Norwegian colleagues, they have developed the idea of ferroelectric reservoir computing. Nature Reviews Physics reports.

Anusorn -

Molecular Stop Signal IdentifiedThe Surveillance System of Cell Division

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 04.06.2024

During cell division, each of the resulting daughter cells receives one part of a pair of chromosomes. But how is this process monitored and how are potential errors prevented? Biologists at the UDE have been able to clarify the matter. Current Biology reports.

Fritz Winter Eisengießerei GmbH & Co. KG

Reducing Global Dependence on Raw MaterialsDomestic Lime Instead of Magnesium from Overseas

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 14.05.2024

Regionally available, cheaper, more environmentally friendly: UDE engineers and industrial partners have developed a method of desulphurising molten iron with lime instead of imported magnesium from China. The plant is already up and running.

UDE/Laura Karsch und Ali Ata Tuz

After stroke and heart attackA cause of immunodeficiency identified

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 23.04.2024

After surviving a stroke or heart attack, infections start to increase. A team from the UDE, the UK Essen and the ISAS in Dortmund has found a reason why the immune system is often disturbed after these health incidents and derived a treatment approach from this.

UDE/Pinki Gahlot

Decomposition of Damaged LysosomesNew Signaling Pathway Decoded

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 08.04.2024

Is it worth repairing the lysosome? Or is its dissolution safer? Researchers at the UDE have identified a new signaling pathway for our cells to make the decision to degrade the organelle. The biologists have published their findings in Molecular Cell.

UDE/Frank Preuß

First success in the Excellence Strategy competitionWater research reaches milestone

  • von Astrid Bergmeister
  • 02.02.2024

As part of the UA Ruhr, the partners have strategically developed their research together. The excellent water research has now won through with the "REASONS" project in the first round of the two-stage excellence competition organised by the federal and state governments.

UDE/Birte Vierjahn

Launch of Solid-State Battery ProjectPrototypes within Two Years

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 29.01.2024

The first prototypes of solid-state batteries should be ready in two years: more durable, safer and with more storage capacity than conventional lithium-ion batteries. Their anode material is produced in the facilities of the NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum (NETZ) at the UDE.

Anne Forio/Ghent University

Europe-wide studyHow Does Agriculture Affect Freshwaters?

  • von Ulrike Bohnsack
  • 25.01.2024

Most rivers in Europe are not doing well. An international research team, led by the Aquatic Ecology department at UDE, has investigated how different types and intensities of agriculture affect the ecological status of rivers.

S. Li, MPIA / Data: ALMA Observatory

Publication in Nature Astronomy Stars Born as Multiples

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 15.01.2024

Rare in humans, but apparently the norm in massive stars: multiple births. A group of international scientists, including those from UDE, have just published their findings in Nature Astronomy. The results are based on data from the ALMA observatory, Chile.

Your Captain Luchtfotografie/Irvin van Hemert

Final vote of the EU Parliament in early 2024How can Europe restore its nature?

  • von Astrid Bergmeister
  • 14.12.2023

The European Parliament will soon take a final vote on the "Nature Restoration Act", which aims to halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe. A research team led by UDE has analysed the law's chances of success and published its findings in the journal Science.

UDE/Andreas Reichert

Publication on Optically Controlled Magnetic FieldsOn/Off in Trillionths of a Second

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 04.12.2023

Previous experiments had already indicated that circularly polarized terahertz radiation could have an interesting effect on graphene discs. The physicists' experiments confirmed that the discs become electromagnets – as now reported in Nature Communications.

Funktionale Materialien, TU Darmstadt

Transregio goes into second funding periodNew magnets for sustainable energy technologies

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 24.11.2023

Magnetic materials are used in many technologies that make our energy supply more sustainable. They are required to be easily available, harmless and inexpensive. The CRC/TRR HoMMage is now conducting research into this area for a further four years.

Dan Race -

TACTIC: New project in cancer researchFinding the right switches

  • von Birte Vierjahn
  • 16.11.2023

Identifying the genetic causes of cancer and fighting them with new drugs right in the cell nucleus: this is the aim of the TACTIC project, which is being funded with 11.8 million euros. A new national center covers all aspects of drug development.

UDE/SFB1242 - Hendrik Mannel

Publication in Physical ReviewEavesdropping on the electron

  • von Peter Kohl
  • 08.11.2023

Data too noisy and not usable? Not necessarily: physicists at UDE have described a method for extracting information from noise. Their discovery has been published in "Physical Review Research".

Archaen Park

ERC Synergy Grant for insights into life on the early Earth11.5 million euros to research into the microbial carbon cycle

  • 26.10.2023

The earth more than 2,500 million years ago: Carbon dioxide dominates the atmosphere, oxygen is only present in traces. Researchers in the ERC Synergy Grant "Archaen Park" analyze the metabolism of ancient microbes using organisms living under extreme conditions today.
