GUIDE - Start-up School 2024

You have an idea and want to know how to turn in into reality?

You’ve heard about entrepreneurship and want to deepen your knowledge?

You have various information about start-ups but don’t really know where to start and how the process looks like?

Join our Start-up School and acquire the fundamentals of entrepreneurship – in one week

The Start-up School is the perfect start into your entrepreneurial journey. Five days full of  workshops and teamwork with experts from the start-up ecosystem provide you with the tools and know-how you need to start your own company.

No prior knowledge is required to take part.

Teamwork is key

We’ll cover the essential steps at the beginning of the start-up process: Idea generation, testing and further refinement, commercialization and pitching. You benefit most by working on specific ideas in a team for hands-on learning and to implement the input in practice.

That’s why we form teams at the beginning of the week who work together on a project throughout the Start-up School. Therefore, you can

  • Share an idea of yours and find team members
  • Join without an idea and find a team
  • Join as an existing team

Most important is that you are open – either to join a team or to invite others to your team. Even if you can’t work on your own idea you still benefit more from learning and working in the team than spending the week as a solopreneur.

Not just for your own company

Think and act like an entrepreneur – this is not just key for your own company. Employers are looking for talents who drive innovation. An entrepreneurial mindset, effective teamwork and start-up tools like the Lean Canvas are essential for innovation at larger companies as well. So taking part in the Start-up School is a great credential for your application in all innovative environments.


  • 26th-30th August 2024 (Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-4/5 p.m.)
  • Registration Deadline: 9th August
  • Register here

What to expect

  • Working on ideas with like-minded people in a team
  • Networking during lunch break and in between the sessions
  • Free lunch, snacks & drinks
  • Methods for generating and evaluating ideas
  • Tools for checking and refining the problem-solution fit
  • Impulses for marketing & sales
  • Support with the creation of an initial pitch deck as part of a pitch training course
  • Apply newly acquired knowledge directly
  • Centificate of participation

Who can take part?

Students, employees & alumni of the UDE and the UA Ruhr

Where does the Start-up School take place?

The Start-up School takes place on the premises of BRYCK at Jakob-Funke-Platz 2, 45127 Essen.
BRYCK, is the startup and innovation hub initiated by the RAG-Stiftung and is located directly opposite the Weststadttürme (WST) in Essen

Are there any costs for the participants?

The costs are covered by GUIDE.

The compact introduction to entrepreneurshipStart-up School Info-Event: 31st July 2024, 3 p.m. via Zoom

Learn more about the Start-up School. Grab the opportunity to ask questions. 

Sign up for the 30 min Zoom Session via Eventbrite

Structure and timeline

Banner Start-up School Structure En.png


BRYCK is located in close proximity to Campus Essen. The Innovation Hub offers the ideal space to get creative as a team.

Start-up School registration

The Start-up School is designed for all students, employees and alumni of UDE and UA Ruhr with an interest in entrepreneurship and start-ups. Participation is free of charge. The number of participants is limited to 20.

Status of your idea

Please note: The Start-up School is designed to implement and deepen the tools and content learned through teamwork. It is therefore crucial that you are open and flexible to form suitable teams (size of teams as well as total number of teams) on the first day of the Start-up School.

Feel free to contact our start-up coach Patrick if you have any questions:

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Contact person

Patrick Krenz

Phone: +49 (0)203 379 1945
E-mail: patrick.krenz (at)