Contact Yuka Ando
Office hours: by appointment
Room: LE 648
Phone No: +49 (0)203 37-94182
Research interests
Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) with a special focus on teaching material development and pedagogy.
Current research projects
Her current research focuses on the analysis of the Japanese case particle “ni” from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics and typology.
Curriculum Vitae
1999 ~ | Lecturer for Japanese language at the Institute of East Asian Studies INEAST |
1992-1999 | Instructor for Japanese language at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in USA and at the Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany |
1992 | MA in Communication on a scholarship at the University of South Alabama in USA |
~ 1990 | BA in English literature and in JFL (Japanese as a Foreign Language) on a scholarship at Kanagawa University in Japan |
Gesellschaftswissenschaften/Japanese Politics / Modern East Asian Studies
Forsthausweg 2
47057 Duisburg
47057 Duisburg
LE 648
Lektor/in, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften
Current lectures
2024 WS
- Japanisch Intensiv 3 Registration only - Anmeldung
- Japanisch 5
- Japanese for Advanced Students - Composition
- Japanisch 3/ Japanese Intensive III
- Anmeldung: Japanisch 1 / Registration: Intensive Japanese I
- Japanisch 5 / Advanced Japanese: Reading and Technical Composition - InEast
- Japanisch 3 /Intensive Japanese III - InEast
- Japanisch 1 / Intensive Japanese I
Past lectures (max. 10)
2024 SS
2023 WS
- Anmeldung: Japanisch 1 / Registration: Intensive Japanese I
- Japanisch 3/ Japanese Intensive III
- Japanisch Intensiv 3 Registration only - Anmeldung
- Japanisch 5
- Japanisch 3 /Intensive Japanese III
- Japanisch 1 / Intensive Japanese I
- Japanese for Advanced Students - Composition
- Japanisch 5 / Advanced Japanese Reading and Technical Composition
The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.
Developing Autonomous Thinking and Assertive Communication Skills in JapaneseIn: Yōroppa nihongo kyōiku = Japanese language education in Europe Vol. 21 (2016) Nr. The Proceedings of the 20th Japanese Language Symposium in Europe, pp. 386 - 392
Nakamura, Karen: Deaf in Japan. Signing and the Politics of Identity. New York, 2006 [Review]In: Kotoba to shakai: tagengo shakai kenkyū = Language and society Vol. 12 (2010) pp. 213 - 220
Japanese language instruction and the question of ‘‘correctness’’In: International Journal of the Sociology of Language Vol. 2005 (2005) Nr. 175-176, pp. 271 - 284Online Full Text:
Mary Goebel Noguchi and Sandra Fotos (eds.) (2001): Studies in Japanese Bilingualism (Book Review)In: International journal of the sociology of language (2001) Nr. 152, pp. 179 - 184Online Full Text:
The prototype theory and the acquisition of "ni"In: Multilingualism: challenges and opportunities: Vol. 2: conference program abstracts / 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics ; AILA 2008 ; Essen, August 24 - 29, 2008 (2008)
Prototypen der Kasuspartikel ni und ihr ErwerbIn: 15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag: Zusammenfassungen / Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag ; Zürich, 28.08. – 30.08.2012 2012, pp. 130 - 132
The case particle "ni" and its aquisitionIn: Japanese as foreign language in the age of globalization / Heinrich, Patrick; Sugita, Yuko (Eds.) 2008, pp. 207 - 225
自発的に考えて発信する中級日本語授業の試み : 第二段階の実践報告:気づきと他者への発信
EAJS2017, 15th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, August 30 - September 2, 2017, Lisbon,(2017)Online Full Text: -
How to utilize the prototypes of the case particle "ni" in Japanese as a foreign language
20. Symposium des Vereins „Japanisch an Hochschulen e.V." ; „Japanische Linguistik und Japanischunterricht“ ; Bonn, 28.02.-02.03.2014,Bonn (2014) -
Okinawan’s (Uchinaaguchi) particles from the perspective of cognitive linguistics
The 18th Conference of FEL ; Foundation for Endangered Languages ; Okinawa International University, Ginowan, 17.09.-19.09.2014,Okinawa (2014) -
Considering a framework for Ryukyuan languages teaching
The 5th Ryukyuan Heritage Language Symposium ; Amami Ōshima Kyōiku Kaika, 02.03.-03.03.2013, n,Amami (2013) -
Can a typological approach help understanding the japanese case particle ni?
The 13th International Conference of EAJS, 24.08.– 27.08.2011, University of Tallinn, Estonia,Tallinn (2011) -
Ryukyuan particles from a cognitive linguistic perspective
3rd Ryukyuan Heritage Language Symposium “Ryukyuan Language Endangerment: The Impact of Grammar Writing”, 04.03.– 05.03.2011, Tokyo, Japan,Tokyo (2011) -
The appropriateness of the prototypes of the case particle ni and its acquisition
International Conference on Japanese Language Education ( ICJLE 2010), 31 July-14 December 2010, Taipei, Taiwan,Taipei (2010) -
The Psychological Prototypes of the Case Particle ni
International Conference on Japanese Language Education, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Korea, 11.07.-14.07.2008,(2008) -
The acquisition of “-ni” : Applying the 4-M model and the abstract level model
Symposium "Foreign language learning in the age of globalization" ; Duisburg, March 23-24, 2006,(2006) -
Japanese language instruction and the question of "correctness"
International Symposium on Changing Language Regimes in Globalizing Environments ; Duisburg, 31.03.-02.04.2004,Duisburg/ Essen (2004)