GRK 2762 - Events
Upcoming Events
Guest lectures
We look forward to welcoming international guest speakers in our GRK 2762 and BIOME Radiation Sciences core seminar series.
11/11/24: Wilhelm Palm, DKFZ Heidelberg (on-site only!)
"Metabolic Stress Adaptations in Cancer", 4 pm, WTZ-Stationenhaus (cooperation with the WTZ Monday seminar)
25/11/24: Margret Schottelius, AGORA Cancer Research, Lausanne (on-site only!)
Imaging to characterize the tumor microenvironment, 4 pm, WTZ-Stationenhaus (cooperation with the WTZ Monday seminar)
17/12/24: Almut Schulze, DKFZ Heidelberg
Title tbd, 5 pm, IFZ seminar room
11/02/25: Kevin Thurley, University of Bonn
Title tbd, 5 pm, IFZ seminar room
25/02/25: Urszula Cytlak-Chaudhuri, University of Manchester
"Radiotherapy-induced toxicity of normal tissues", 5 pm, IFZ seminar room
Guests are welcome to attend the sessions. Please register via email to You will receive a link for online participation after registration.
GRK member events
15/10/24: Verena Jendrossek, Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research)
"Tumor microenvironment and therapy resistance", 5 pm, IFZ seminar room
28/01/25: Marija Trajkovic-Arsic, Bridge Institute for Experimental Tumor Therapy/DKTK
"Sex specific differences in tumor metabolism - yes or no?", 5 pm, IFZ seminar room